The pressures of technology, multidisciplinary research, and shrinking budgets have caused many librarians to rethink the roles of chem. branch libraries in recent decades. Some of these libraries have reinvented themselves, while others have been consolidated into general science and technology libraries. The author will report on the results of a 2005 survey of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) institutions and the status of their chem. related library resources and facilities. The survey will look at the past, present and future of their chem. information resources, paying particular attention to those that have been or will be combined with other facilities. The reasons for consolidation will be discussed, as well as what other disciplines are included within the combined collection, and other issues regarding administration and outreach. [ACS Abstract]
chemistry libraries, branch libraries, consolidation, library collections
Date of this Version
Recommended Citation
Garritano, Jeremy R., "Fate of chemistry branch libraries: Onward toward 2015" (2005). Libraries Faculty and Staff Presentations. Paper 30.
Originally presented: Garritano, J.R. “Fate of Chemistry Branch Libraries: Onward toward 2015.” American Chemical Society 230th National Meeting. Washington, DC, August 2005.
Subsequently published: Garritano, Jeremy R. “Current and Future Status of Chemistry Collections and Chemistry Libraries at ARL Institutions.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No 50 (Spring 2007): http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/lib_research/139/