Authentication of Tourist Attractions: Authenticity Orientation Attitude and National Culture


Gran Canaria


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Short Abstract

The study contributes to the discussion of authenticity in tourism by testing the impact of authenticity orientation of an individual, that is, realist, constructivist, or postmodernist, and the respondents’ respective culture on how they authenticate tourist attractions. The study found that authenticity orientation and national culture are the factors in the authentication process for the iconically authentic attractions. For the indexically authentic attractions the relationship was not found. Theoretical implications for future research are identified.

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Authentication of Tourist Attractions: Authenticity Orientation Attitude and National Culture

Gran Canaria

The study contributes to the discussion of authenticity in tourism by testing the impact of authenticity orientation of an individual, that is, realist, constructivist, or postmodernist, and the respondents’ respective culture on how they authenticate tourist attractions. The study found that authenticity orientation and national culture are the factors in the authentication process for the iconically authentic attractions. For the indexically authentic attractions the relationship was not found. Theoretical implications for future research are identified.