2012 IATUL Proceedings | Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences

The 33rd Annual IATUL Conference was held on June 4-7, 2012 at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The 33rd annual conference had a total of 164 participants representing 30 separate countries from across the globe.

The final conference program for the conference can be found at the link below:

33rd Annual IATUL Conference Program (PDF)

Papers and presentations may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the title of the presentation. Presentations that were given may be found under the additional files field. Papers and presentations for which no files were provided, or for which permission to make openly available was not granted, have been omitted from this collection.

IATUL presenters who would like to have their papers and presentations added should contact David Scherer, Scholarly Repository Specialist for Purdue e-Pubs, at dscherer@purdue.edu


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Monday, June 4th
12:00 AM

Libraries, Technocentricity and Learning

Rakesh K. Kumar, University of New South Wales

12:00 AM

21st Century Librarians for 21st Century Libraries

Alena Ptak-Danchak, University of Oxford

12:00 AM

What Do We Do for Our Users? New Services for the Research and Learning Communities at a Research University

Wolfram Neubauer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich

12:00 AM

Riding the Wave: Move Beyond Text

Uwe Rosemann, German National Library of Science and Technology
Irina Sens, German National Library of Science and Technology

12:00 AM

Building a New Generation Science Library: The KAUST Story

Rashed Al Zahrani, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Joseph Branin, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Yi Yu, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

12:00 AM

Redefining the Service Experience: Forging Collaboration Between Librarians and Students

Jenny Ellis, University of Melbourne
Andrea Phillips, University of Melbourne

12:00 AM

Library Services for the Future: Engaging with Our Customers to Determine Wants and Needs

Rachel Esson, Victoria University of Wellington
Alison Stevenson, Victoria University of Wellington
Maureen Gildea, Victoria University of Wellington
Sue Roberts, Victoria University of Wellington

12:00 AM

Beyond Boolean, Towards Thinking: Discovery Systems and Information Literacy

Dianne Cmor, Hong Kong Baptist University
Xin Li, Hong Kong Baptist University

12:00 AM

Strategies for Integrating Information Literacy and Academic Literacy: Helping Undergraduate Students Make the Most of Scholarly Articles

Margy MacMillan, Mount Royal University
Allison Mackenzie, Mount Royal University

12:00 AM

Shaping the Way of Instruction: Fusion of Games, Lecture and Theatrical Techniques vs. Traditional Lecture Type of Library Instruction: Examining its Effectiveness in Undergraduate Library Instruction

Harold T. Franco, De La Salle University
Bob P. Cauilan, De La Salle University

12:00 AM

Undergraduate Students' Information Literacy Behaviour in Chulalongkorn University

Somsak Sriborisutsakul, Chulalongkorn University
Chindarat Berpan, Chulalongkorn University
Oranuch Sawetrattanasatian, Chulalongkorn University
Duangnate Vongpradhip, Chulalongkorn University
Nenuphar Supavej, Chulalongkorn University
Wachiraporn Klungthanaboon, Chulalongkorn University
Saowapha Limwichitr, Chulalongkorn University

12:00 AM

Social Media for International Students: It's Not All About Facebook

Grace Saw, Bond University
Wendy Abbott, Bond University
Jessie Donaghey, Bond University
Carolyn McDonald, Bond University

12:00 AM

Virtualizing Library Processes and Interactions: A Content Analysis of Library Facebook Profiles

Ming-Hsin Phoebe Chiu, National Taiwan Normal University
Yi-Ying Lin, National Taiwan Normal University

12:00 AM

Marketing the Academic Library with Online Social Network Advertising

Christopher CHan, Hong Kong Baptist University

12:00 AM

Student Engagement and Library Use: An Examination of Attitudes Towards Use of Libraries and Information Amongst Undergraduate Students at a Turkish University Library

Gulcin Cribb, Singapore Management University
Ilkay Holt, Ozyegin University

12:00 AM

International Cooperation Towards the Development of Technology in University Libraries

Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

12:00 AM

Using Library Statistics to Inform, Promote, and Advocate Library Services for New Generation Users

Deborah Becker, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Hillary Hartle, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

12:00 AM

Tuesday, June 5th
12:00 AM

Technology and Innovations in Libraries and their Impact on Learning, Research, and Users

Joe Murphy

12:00 AM

The Coming Paradigm Shift in Computing Interfaces and How Academic Libraries Need to Adapt

Michael Wiebrands, Curtin University

12:00 AM

Mobile Me, Mobile Library Services: CUHK's Perspectives

Kevin Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ivan Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12:00 AM

Check-ins... Not Just for Books! - NUS Libraries' Experience with Foursquare

Aaron Tay Chee Hsien, National University of Singapore
Georgiana Glass, National University of Singapore
Chew Shu Wen, National University of Singapore

12:00 AM

From eLending to eTeaching: Transitioning e-Reading Tools from the Library to the Classromm

Adam Eelke Cath, Texas A & M University - Qatar

12:00 AM

Creating a Materials Samples Collection to Support the Engineering Curriculum

Dee Magnoni, Olin College of Engineering
Ananya Kejriwal, Olin College of Engineering
Charles Offenbacher, Olin College of Engineering

12:00 AM

Orientation and Characteristics of Subject Service in Basic Natural Science Based on the Investigation in Wuhan University, China

Hu Yongsheng, Wuhan University

12:00 AM

Users' Searching Behaviour in Using Online Databases at Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyen Hong Sinh, Vietnam National University
Hoang Thi Hong Nhung, Vietnam National University

12:00 AM

The Need to Read: An Unexpected Demand of the New Generation at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

M E. Moll, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
A P. Coreejes-Brink, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
A L. Patrick, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

12:00 AM

The 'New Normal':Leveraging Technology to Improve Service Provision and the Student Experience

Jennifer Peasley, Macquarie University

12:00 AM

New RFID-apps: HF-Based Stock Management by Mobile Solution and Producing Usage Statistics on Non-Lending Colleges (e.g. Periodicals)

Hardy Zissel, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Jan Kissig, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau
Frank Seeliger, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau

12:00 AM

Student's e-Learning/m-Learning Experiences and Impact on Motivation in Nigeria

Gbolahan Olasina, University of Ilorin

12:00 AM

e-Textbooks Usage by Students at Andrews University: A Study of Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behaviors

Silas Marques, Andrews University

12:00 AM

Embedded Librarians in the Classroom: A Case Study at HKUST Library

Kevin King-man Ho, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Eunice Sau-ping Wong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

12:00 AM

Fostering a Sticky Relationship: A Case Study from Nanyang Technological University

Emma Wilcox, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chia Yew Boon, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

12:00 AM

Library Strategies for Meeting the Learning Needs of Fine Arts Students in the 21st Century: The Experience of New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Leo F.H. Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong

12:00 AM

When the Earth Stopped Shaking, Where was our Library Service?

Heather Jenks, University of Canterbury

12:00 AM

Thursday, June 7th
12:00 AM

Trends, Possibilities, and Scenarios for User-Centered Libraries

Susan Gibbons, Yale University

12:00 AM

Aligning Collections and Services with User Needs and Practices

Erika Linke, Carnegie Mellon University

12:00 AM

Change as a Service: Challenges and Effects of a New Paradigm for Library Systems and Content Infrastructure

Daniel Forsman, Chalmers University of Technology

12:00 AM

Embedding Innovation for Scholarly Information and Research for the New Generation in a Top Research University

JoAnne Sparks, Griffith University
Linda O'Brien, Griffith University
Joanna Richardson, Griffith University
Malcolm Wolski, Griffith University
Sanja Tadic, Griffith University
Joanne Morris, Griffith University

12:00 AM

Mendeley: Teaching Scholarly Communication and Collaboration through Social Networking

Don MacMillan, University of Calgary

12:00 AM

New Way to Learn, New Way to Success: Transforming a Brain-Based Library Via Active Learning Instructions

A Hasliza, Universiti Sains Malaysia
WMA Wan Emilin, Universiti Sains Malaysia

12:00 AM

Information Skills: Targeting Untapped User Groups

Tina Hohmann, Technische Universität München

12:00 AM

Achieving Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development - Role of Innovative and Benchmarked KOSM Practices - A Case Study

S Vaithiyanathan, Larsen and Toubro

12:00 AM

iCampus Goes Library - Advantages of Using a Multimedia Guide in a Library

Janett Mohnke, University of Applied Sciences Wildau

12:00 AM

Visualization for New Generation Users in the Age of the Electronic Book

Peter Green, Curtin University

12:00 AM

Are We There Yet? Do We Have the Staff We Need to Meet the Needs of New Generation Learners?

Gillian Barthorpe, Auckland University of Technology

12:00 AM

The Effect of Library Staff Training and Development on the User Experience: A Case Study at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)

Janine Lockhart, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Sulaiman Majal, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

12:00 AM

Fostering Innovation Through Cultural Change

Julia Leong, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

12:00 AM