2006 IATUL Proceedings | Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences

The International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL) is a voluntary international organization which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. It also provides library directors and senior managers an opportunity to develop a collaborative approach to solving common problems.

The 27th Annual IATUL Conference was held May 22nd – May 25th, 2006 at the Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. The 27th Annual IATUL Conference’s theme was “Embedding Libraries in Learning and Research”.

The final conference program for the conference can be found at this link: 2006 IATUL Conference Program.

Papers and presentations may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the title of the presentation. Presentations that were given may be found under the additional files field. Papers and presentations for which no files were provided, or for which permission to make openly available was not granted, have been omitted from this collection.


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Sunday, May 22nd
12:00 AM

The Future of Higher Education.

Alberto Amaral, Cipes and Universidade do Porto

12:00 AM

Monday, May 23rd
12:00 AM

ebooks publication: the technology, the contents, the how to do; a challenge to the competences share and team work.

Ana Azevedo, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Carlos Oliveira, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Nuno Portela, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Pedro Faria, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Tiago Pereira, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

12:00 AM

Licensing e-content and OA: results and perspectives from the South of Europe.

Lluís Anglada, Director of the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC)

12:00 AM

Monday, May 22nd
12:00 AM

A Pro-active University Library in the Brazilian Context.

Carmelita do Espírito Santo, Centro Universitário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Maria de Fátima Pereira Raposo, Centro Universitário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro

12:00 AM

A.I. Application in Information Science: A review of imformation visualization softwares.

Fatima Fahimnia, School of Psychology and Education, Tehran University
Nader Naghshineh, School of Psychology and Education, Tehran University

12:00 AM

Associate Dean for Research: Libraries commitment to Interdisciplinary/Collaborative Sponsored Research in the Libraries and throughout the University.

James L. Mullins, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Designed to Deliver: Building a digital collection to support research.

Ellen Derey Safley, University of Texas at Dallas Libraries

12:00 AM

Information Literacy at the frontier.

Ann Cleary, Dundalk Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

Information retrieval systems in scientific and technological libraries: from monolith to puzzle and beyond.

Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Universiteit Antwerpen and Vrije Universiteit Brussel

12:00 AM

Involving university library staff in ongoing research

Adriaan Swanepoel, Tshwane University of Technology

12:00 AM

Library Ambassadors: Cornell's research connection.

Zsuzsa Koltay, Cornell University

12:00 AM

Library LIVE - embedding and contextualizing information resources in the virtual learning environment.

Anette Van Vuren, University of Johannesburg
Hannie Sander, University of Johannesburg
Tanya de Plessis, University of Johannesburg

12:00 AM

Library support for research in a university context.

Imogen Garner, University Librarian and Director John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, Curtin University of Technology

12:00 AM

Positioning Librarians as indispensible to the new Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)

David Ball, Bournemouth University

12:00 AM

Reconfigure and Renovate: Renewal through redesign for relevance in research and learning - a case study.

Grace Saw, Physical Sciences and Engineering Library Service, The University of Queensland
Heather Todd, Biological and Health Sciences Library Service, The University of Queensland

12:00 AM

Still navigating across the Atlantic: a view of a virtual reference service for academic libraries.

Carmen Franco Barroso, University of Cadiz
Leonor Fernández Alfaro, University of Cadiz
Ricardo Carrero Galfore, University of Cadiz
Ricardo Chamorro Rodríguez, University of Cadiz
Rosario Gestido del Olmo, University of Cadiz

12:00 AM

The University of Western Australia Library's Implementation of a Digital Learning Object Repository: a case study.

John Arfield, University of Western Australia

12:00 AM

What is the current role of libraries for researchers?

Teresa Lago, Professor in the School of Sciences of the University of Porto and Centre for Astrophysics of the University of Porto

12:00 AM

Where Google and Libraries Meet.

Jenny Walker, Vice-President of Marketing Ex Libris, NISO Standards Development Committee (SDC), Co-Chair NISO Metasearch Initiative

12:00 AM

Tuesday, May 23rd
12:00 AM

Cost-benefit analysis of electronic information resources: an evaluation on Middle East Technical University Library.

Hacer BATI, Hacer BATI

12:00 AM

Creser: SIBi/USP Staffing training and development Program.

Adriana Cybele Ferrari, University of São Paulo (USP)
Márcia Elisa Garcia De Grandi,, University of São Paulo (USP)
Mairza Leal de Meirelles Do Coutta, University of São Paulo (USP)

12:00 AM

Embedding Research and Learning in Libraries.

William R. Maes, Dalhousie University

12:00 AM

Factories (Teaching resources facilities located in all UPC campuses libraries)

Pep Torn, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Libraries

12:00 AM

Impact of e-journals on a subsidized unmediated ordering service (SUMO): ten years after.

Louis Houle, McGill University

12:00 AM

Learning communities and Librarians at Arizona State University.

Jennifer Duvernay, Arizona State University
Sheila J. Young, Arizona State University

12:00 AM

Librarian Class Attendance: Blogs, statistics, outcomes and opportunities.

Dianne Cmor, Weill Cornell Medical College
Victoria Marshall, Weill Cornell Medical College

12:00 AM

Monetizing Usage of Scholarly Collections with Patent Citation Analysis.

Paul Canning, IEEE

12:00 AM

Technical Intelligence Units: use of competitive intelligence within Academic Environment in Iran.

Nader Naghshineh, School of Psychology and Education, Tehran University
Tahereh Oloumi, School of Psychology and Education, Tehran University

12:00 AM

Technological convergance for access to hardcopy and softcopy collections by means of the UnibibliWeb Portal: the experience of CRUESP/Libraries Consortium.

Adriana Cybele Ferrari, University of São Paulo (USP)
Luiz Atílio Vicentini, University of São Paulo (USP)
Margaret Alves Antunes, University of São Paulo (USP)

12:00 AM

The Brave New World of Scholarly Repositories.

Herbert Van de Sompel, Digital Library Research & Prototyping, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Research Library

12:00 AM

The importance of having data-sets.

Ronald Dekker, Delft University of Technology

12:00 AM

The integration into academic areas of Library systems to improve teaching and research: the UNISCUL experience.

Maria Isabel Santoro, Library Systems at UNICSUL – São Paulo – Brazil
Inês Confuorto G. Macedo, Advisor to the Pro-Rector of Graduation, UNICSUL

12:00 AM

THINK Systematically, ACT Strategically: Sustainable development of information literacy in the broader context of students' learning.

Judith Peacock, Queensland University of Technology Library

12:00 AM

Wednesday, May 24th
12:00 AM

Australian Educational Research GAteway: disseminating research-based knowledge and professional resources and services to improve learning and research.


12:00 AM

B-ON - a Portugese consortium experience.

José Fernandes, Board of the Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional

12:00 AM

Canada 2005: a Spanish overview of Canadian academic libraries.

Marta López Vivancos, UPC Libraries
Roser Gómez Enrich, UPC Libraries

12:00 AM

Fostering Information Fluency: Two Student Centred Initiatives.

EriKA C. Linke, Carnegie Mellon University

12:00 AM

Libraries and weblogs: The Role of new phenomenon Blogs in library services, research and learning in libraries.

Tahereh Karami, College of Psychology and Education, Tehran University
Tahereh Oloumi, College of Psychology and Education, Tehran University

12:00 AM

Quality assessment program as contribution for the SIBi/USP management.

Adherbal Caminada, Universidade de São Paulo
Adriana A. Barreiros, Universidade de São Paulo
Adriana Cybelle Ferrari, Universidade de São Paulo
Cristia Olaio Villela, Universidade de São Paulo
Cybelle Assumpçao Fontes, Universidade de São Paulo
Maria Imaculada Cardosa Sampaio, Universidade de São Paulo
Rosa Maria F. Zani, Universidade de São Paulo

12:00 AM

The impact of co-operative engineering library services on teaching and research in Brazil.

Maria Isabel Santoro, Director of the Library System, UNICSUL – São Paulo – Brazil
Olaio Villela, Technical Director of the Libraries Division, Escola Politécnica, USP – Brazil
Teresinha das Graças Coletta, Technical Director of the Library Service, São Carlos School of Engineering, USP

12:00 AM

The politics of embedding: Library as a partner not support service.

Peter Stubley, University of Sheffield

12:00 AM

The Role of Libraries in the Context of e-Science

Anne Trefethern, Oxford e-Research Centre

12:00 AM

Thursday, May 25th
12:00 AM

A National Library for Australian Educational Research.


12:00 AM

Cultivating intelligence: Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal's new library.

Richard Dumont, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal

12:00 AM

ebooks publication: the technology, the contents, the how to do; a challenge to the competences share and team work.

Ana Azevedo, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Carlos Oliveira, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Nuno Portela, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Pedro Faria, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Tiago Pereira, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

12:00 AM

Libraries: The learning space within.

Sohair F. Wastawy

12:00 AM

Macro trends in the development of the university libraries of Latin America.

Atilio Bustos, Director Sistema de Biblioteca Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

12:00 AM

Quality Measures for Libraries and Information Services.

Luiza Baptista Melo, Universidade do Pope
Imaculada Cardosa Sampaio, Universidade de São Paulo

12:00 AM

Skills developed by students of the Bibliography Research in Mechanical Engineering discipline in the technical standardisation of the work.

Elena Luzia Palloni Gonçalves, Universidade de São Paulo
Elenise Maria de Araújo, Universidade de São Paulo
Marielza Ortego Roma, Universidade de São Paulo
Rosana Alvarez Paschoalino, Universidade de São Paulo
Teresinha das Graças Coletta, Universidade de São Paulo

12:00 AM

Supporting the University Researcher

Jan Wilkinson, The British Library

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