About the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories
Mission: An institution dedicated to graduate education and engineering research with emphasis on technology transfer to industry.
Vision: Overcome barriers between knowledge creation, transfer, and utilization in engineering research, industry application, and graduate education.
The main technical areas are:
- Thermal Systems and Air Quality
- Noise and Vibration Control
- Electromechanical Systems: controls, signal processing, sensing, estimation,diagnostics and prognostics.
- Modeling of Human Response for Machine and System Optimization
Submissions from 2017
A Desktop Procedure for Measuring the Transmission Loss of Automotive Door Seals, Weimin Thor and J Stuart Bolton
Experiments on the Low Frequency Barrier Characteristics of Cellular Metamaterial Panels in a Diffuse Sound Field, Srinivas Varanasi, J Stuart Bolton, and Thomas Siegmund
Fibrous Material Microstructure Design for Optimal Damping Performance, Yutong Xue and J Stuart Bolton
Prediction of Airflow Resistivity of Fibrous Acoustical Media having Double Fiber Components and a Distribution of Fiber Radii, Yutong Xue, J Stuart Bolton, Ronald W. Gerdes, Seungkyu Lee, and Thomas Herdtle
Submissions from 2016
Computational Investigation of Microperforated Materials: End Corrections, Thermal Effects, and Fluid-Structure Interaction, J Stuart Bolton, Thomas Herdtle, and Nicholas N. Kim
Loading Effect on Tire Noise Radiation, Rui Cao and J Stuart Bolton
Response of a Shell Structure Subject to Distributed Harmonic Excitation, Rui Cao and J Stuart Bolton
Revisiting Applegate and Croker’s 1976 NCEJ paper: Reducing the Noise of a Rotary Lawn Mower Blade, Daniel J. Carr
Noise Source Identification based on an Inverse Radiation Mode Procedure, Jiawei Liu, Yangfan Liu, and J Stuart Bolton
Experimental Investigation of the Use of Equivalent Sources Model in Room Acoustics Simulations, Yangfan Liu and J Stuart Bolton
Localized Heating Near a Rigid Spherical Inclusion in a Viscoelastic Binder Material Under Compressional Plane Wave Excitation, Jesus O. Mares, Daniel C. Woods, Caroline E. Baker, Steven F. Son, Jeffrey F. Rhoads, J Stuart Bolton, and Marcial Gonzalez
The Use of Wideband Acoustical Holography for Noise Source Visualization, Tongyang Shi, Yangfan Liu, and J Stuart Bolton
A Methodology to Modify Steady State Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Noise, Weonchan Sung, Patricia Davies, and J Stuart Bolton
Enhanced Acoustic Transmission into Dissipative Solid Materials through the Use of Inhomogeneous Plane Waves, Daniel C. Woods, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
The Construction of Acoustic Waveforms from Plane Wave Components to Enhance Energy Transmission into Solid Media, Daniel C. Woods, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
Submissions from 2015
Point Excitation of a Coupled Structural-Acoustical Tire Model with Experimental Verification, J Stuart Bolton and Rui Cao
Effect of Orientation of Fibers on the Acoustical Properties of a Natural Material, J Stuart Bolton and Shahb Fatima
Microperforated Films as Duct Liners, J Stuart Bolton and Nicholas Kim
Design of an Acoustic Silencer with Microperforated Elements Considering Flow Effects, J Stuart Bolton and Seungkyu Lee
Study of an Axial Fan Combined with a Microperforated Duct, J Stuart Bolton and Seungkyu Lee
Improved Model for Coupled Structural-Acoustic Modes of Tires, Rui Cao and J. Stuart Bolton
Structural Damping by the Use of Fibrous Materials, Nicholas N. Kim, Seungkyu Lee, J. Stuart Bolton, Sean Hollands, and Taewook Yoo
The application of microperforated material to control axial fan noise, Seungkyu Lee and J Stuart Bolton
Perception of Diesel Engine Gear Rattle Noise, Brandon Sobecki, Patricia Davies, J Stuart Bolton, and Frank Eberhardt
Low-Frequency Energy Transmission across Material Interfaces using Incident Evanescent Waves, Daniel C. Woods, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
Stress and Energy Transmission by Inhomogeneous Plane Waves into Dissipative Media, Daniel C. Woods, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
Use of Evanescent Plane Waves for Low-Frequency Energy Transmission Across Material Interfaces, Daniel C. Woods, J Stuart Bolton, and Jeffrey F. Rhoads
Submissions from 2014
Visualization of Automotive Power Seat Slide Motor Noise, J Stuart Bolton and Yong T. Cho
Optimization of Multi-Layer Microperforated Systems for Absorption and Transmission Loss, J Stuart Bolton and Nicholas Kim
Computational investigation of microperforated materials: end corrections, thermal effects and fluid-structure interaction, J Stuart Bolton, Nicholas Kim, and Thomas Herdtle
Design of Multi-Chamber Silencers with Microperforated Elements, J Stuart Bolton, Seungkyu Lee, and Paul A. Martinson
Enhancement of the low frequency performance of thin, film-faced layers of foam by surface segmentation, J Stuart Bolton, Benoit Nennig, and Nicolas Dauchez
Improved model for coupled structural-acoustics modes of tires, Rui Cao, Nicholas Sakamoto, and J Stuart Bolton
Effect of Thermal Losses and Fluid-Structure Interaction on the Transfer Impedance of Microperforated Films, Thomas Herdtle and J Stuart Bolton
Optimal Design of Multi-Layer Microperforated Sound Absorbers, Nicholas Kim, Yutong Xue, and J Stuart Bolton
Simulation of Gear Rattle to Aid in the Development of Sound Quality Metrics for Diesel Engine Component Specification, Brandon Sobecki, Patricia Davies, and J Stuart Bolton
Random incidence transmission loss of a metamaterial barrier system, Srinivas Varanasi, J Stuart Bolton, and Thomas Siegmund
Methods of Increasing Net Work Output of Organic Rankine Cycles for Low-Grade Waste Heat Recovery, Brandon J. Woodland, James E. Braun, Eckhard A. Groll, and W Travis Horton
Overview of Dr. L. L. Beranek's 2006 paper on Analysis of Sabine and Eyring Equations and their Application to Concert Hall Audience and Chair Absorption, Daniel C. Woods
Submissions from 2013
The Influence of Boundary Conditions and Constraints on the Performance of Noise Control Treatments: Foams to Metamaterials, J Stuart Bolton
The Influence of Boundary Conditions and Constraints on the Performance of Noise Control Treatments: Foams to Metamaterials, J Stuart Bolton
The Modeling of Unconventional Sound Absorbing Materials: Microperforated Films and Closed Cell Foams, J Stuart Bolton
Effect of Rotation on the Natural Frequencies of Coupled Tire Structural-Acoustical Mode, J Stuart Bolton and Rui Cao
Holographic Visualization of Sound Radiation from Computer Hard Drives, J Stuart Bolton and Yong T. Cho
The Application of Singular Value Decomposition to Determine the Sources of Far Field Diesel Engine Noise, J Stuart Bolton, Patricia Davies, and Michael D. Hayward
Transfer Impedance of Microperforated Materials with Tapered Holes, J Stuart Bolton, Nicholas Kim, Jonathan H. Alexander, Ronald W. Gerdes, and T. Herdtle
Testing of Fans with Microperforated Housings, J Stuart Bolton and Seungkyu Lee
Sound Field Reconstruction at High Frequencies by Using a Piece-wise Interpolation Method, J Stuart Bolton and Yangfan Liu
Study of the Effect of Grazing Flow on the Performance of Microperforated and Perforated Panels, J Stuart Bolton and Arun Viswanathan
Modification of Simulated Far-field Engine Noise by Changing Near Field Measurement Singular Values, Michael Hayward, Brandon Sobecki, J Stuart Bolton, and Patricia Davies
The Use of Equivalent Source Models for Reduced Order Simulation in Room Acoustics, Yangfan Liu and J Stuart Bolton
Submissions from 2012
Optimization of a scroll compressor for liquid flooding, Ian Bell, E. A. Groll, James E. Braun, Galen King, and W. Travis Horton
Liquid flooded compression and expansion in scroll machines – Part II: Experimental testing and model validation, Ian Bell, Vincent Lemort, E. A. Groll, James E. Braun, Galen King, and W. Travis Horton
Liquid-Flooded Compression and Expansion in Scroll Machines – Part I: Model Development, Ian Bell, Vincent Lemort, Eckhard Groll, James E. Braun, Galen King, and W. Travis Horton
The Influence of Boundary Conditions and Constraints on the Performance of Noise Control Materials, J Stuart Bolton
Source Visualization by Using Statistically Optimized Near-Field Acoustical Holography in Conical Coordinates, J Stuart Bolton and Yong T. Cho
Connecting the Singular Values of an Input Cross-Spectral Density Matrix to Noise Sources in a Diesel Engine, J Stuart Bolton, Patricia Davies, and Michael D. Hayward
CFD Modeling of Tapered Hole Microperforated Panels, J Stuart Bolton and Nicholas Kim
The Use of Non-Collocated Higher Order Sources in the Equivalent Source Method, J Stuart Bolton and Yangfan Liu
Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Prediction Accuracy of a Biot-based Poroelastic Model for Melamine Foam, J Stuart Bolton and Ryan A. Schultz
Improving the Visitor Experience: A Noise Study and Treatment Design for the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park Great Ape House, J Stuart Bolton, Ryan Schultz, Jonathan Alexander, Stephanie Castiglione, Tom Hanschen, and Ed Bronikowski
The Effect of Flexibility on the Acoustical Performance of Microperforated Materials, J Stuart Bolton, Jinho Song, Taewook Yoo, Ryan Schultz, and Yangfan Liu
The Low Frequency Performance of Metamaterial Barriers Based on Cellular Structures, J Stuart Bolton, Srinivas Varanasi, Thomas Siegmund, and Ray Cipra
Reduction of Sound Radiation by Using Force Radiation Modes: Effect of a Rigid Wall Near a Vibrating Object, J Stuart Bolton, Zenzo Yamaguchi, Shinji Isibashi, Kimihiro Sakagami, and Masayuki Morimoto
A Miniature-Scale Linear Compressor for Electronics Cooling., Craig R. Bradshaw
Inverse Modeling to Simulate Fault Impacts for Vapor Compression Equipment Part 1: Component Modeling and Validation, Howard Cheung and James E. Braun
Inverse Modeling to Simulate Fault Impacts for Vapor Compression Equipment Part 2: System Modeling and Validation, Howard Cheung and James E. Braun
Performance Mapping for Variable Ductless Heat Pump Systems in Heating, Cooling and Defrost Operation, Howard Cheung and James E. Braun
Overview of Beranek & Work’s 1949 Paper on “Sound Transmission through Multiple Structures Containing Flexible Blankets”, Ryan Schultz
Experimental Testing of an Organic Rankine Cycle with Scroll-type Expander, Brandon J. Woodland, James E. Braun, Eckhard A. Groll, and W. Travis Horton
Submissions from 2011
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Liquid Flooded Compression in Scroll Compressors, Ian Bell
Air-side Particulate Fouling of Microchannel Heat Exchangers: Experimental Comparison of Air-Side Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer with Plate-Fin Heat Exchanger, Ian Bell and Eckhard A. Groll
Influence of the Cavity Mode on Tire Surface Vibration, J Stuart Bolton and Wonhong Choi
Use of CFD to Calculate the Transfer Impedance of Microperforated Materials Having Round-Edged Holes, J Stuart Bolton and Nicholas Kim
Multi-Reference Methods for Nearfield Acoustical Holography, J. Stuart Bolton, Yong-Joe Kim, Yaying Niu, and Moohyung Lee
Microperforated Materials as Duct Liners: Local Reaction vs. Extended Reaction, J Stuart Bolton and Hyunjun Shin
The Low Frequency Performance of Metamaterials Barriers Based on Cellular Structures, J Stuart Bolton, Srinivas Varanasi, Ray Cipra, and Thomas Siegmund
Experimental Validation of Force Radiation Modes: A Novel Approach to Reduction of Sound Radiation from Vibrating Structure, J Stuart Bolton, Zenzo Yamaguchi, K. Sakagami, and M. Morimoto
A Comprehensive Model of a Miniature-Scale Linear Compressor for Electronics Cooling, Craig R. Bradshaw, Eckhard A. Groll, and Suresh V. Garimella
Transfer Impedance of Microperforated Materials with Tapered Holes, Thomas Herdtle, Ronald Gerdes, Jonathan H. Alexander, and J Stuart Bolton
Submissions from 2010
Performance of Vapor Compression Systems with Compressor Oil Flooding and Regeneration, Ian H. Bell, Eckhard A. Groll, and James E. Braun
Materials and Systems for Noise Control: Categorization and Challenges, J Stuart Bolton
Use of CFD to Calculate the Dynamic Resistive End Correction for Microperforated Materials, J Stuart Bolton and Nicholas Kim
Performance Characteristics and Mapping for a Variable-Speed Ductless Heat Pump, Howard Cheung and James E. Braun
Performance Benefits for Organic Rankine Cycles with Flooded Expansion, Brandon J. Woodland, James E. Braun, Eckhard A. Groll, and William Travis Horton
Submissions from 2009
Inverse Characterization of Poro-Elastic Materials Based on Acoustical Input Data, J Stuart Bolton and Kwanwoo Hong
A Transfer Matrix Method for Estimating the Dispersion and Attenuation of Plane Waves in a Standing Wave Tube, J Stuart Bolton and Kang Hou
Finite Element Models of Micro-Perforated Panels, J Stuart Bolton and Kang Hou
A Transfer Matrix Method for Estimating the Dispersion and Attenuation of Plane Waves in a Standing Wave Tube - Presentation, Kang Hou and J Stuart Bolton
Inflow Treatment for Small Scale Axial Fans Under Unfavorable Inflow Conditions, Yoon-Shik Shin, J Stuart Bolton, and Luc Mongeau
Submissions from 2008
Poro-elastic material characterization methods by using standing wave tubes: history and current issues related to Biot parameter estimation, J Stuart Bolton
Validation of Micro-Perforated Panels Models, J Stuart Bolton and Kang Hou
Absorption of Finite-Sized Microperforated Panels with Finite Flexural Stiffness at Normal Incidence, J Stuart Bolton, Taewook Yoo, David F. Slama, and Jonathan H. Alexander
Sound Radiation Modes of a Tire on a Reflecting Surface, J Stuart Bolton and Kiho Yum
The Effect of Sample Edge Conditions on Standing Wave Tube Measurements of Absorption and Transmission Loss, Kwanwoo Hong and J Stuart Bolton
Validation of Micro-Perforated Panel Models, Kang Hou and J Stuart Bolton
A Procedure for Estimating the Combustion Noise Transfer Matrix of a Diesel Engine, Moohyung Lee, J Stuart Bolton, and Sanghoon Suh
Absorption from Finite-size Microperforated Panels at Arbitrary Incidence Angles, Taewook Yoo, J Stuart Bolton, Johnathan H. Alexander, and David F. Slama