
J.S. Bolton and N. Kim, “Use of CFD to calculate the dynamic resistive end correction for microperforated materials,” Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Acoustics, 8 pages, Sydney, Australia, August 2010.


The classical Maa theory for microperforated materials was initially formulated for constant diameter, cylindrical holes. Since then, a number of ad hoc corrections have been suggested to account for different hole shapes, in particular, rounding of the aperture. Here it is shown that the resistance and reactance of small apertures may be calculated using relatively simple CFD models in which a single hole is modeled. The fluid is assumed to be viscous but incompressible, and the geometry is assumed to be axisymmetric. It will be shown that this approach essentially reproduces the classical theory of Maa for circular, sharp-edged apertures. However, it will also be shown that the empirical correction to the resistive end correction, in particular, exhibits a clear dependence on frequency and geometrical parameters that is neglected in conventional microperforated material models.


Microperforated panels, End correction, CFD


Acoustics and Noise Control

Date of this Version


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