Publications of the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories | School of Mechanical Engineering | Purdue University

About the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories

Mission: An institution dedicated to graduate education and engineering research with emphasis on technology transfer to industry.

Vision: Overcome barriers between knowledge creation, transfer, and utilization in engineering research, industry application, and graduate education.

The main technical areas are:

  1. Thermal Systems and Air Quality
  2. Noise and Vibration Control
  3. Electromechanical Systems: controls, signal processing, sensing, estimation,diagnostics and prognostics.
  4. Modeling of Human Response for Machine and System Optimization


Submissions from 2007


An Improved Model for Microperforated Absorbers, J Stuart Bolton, Jonathan H. Alexander, Taewook Yoo, and David F. Slama


Influence of Tire Size and Shape on Sound Radiation from a Tire in the Mid-Frequency Region, Kiho Yum, Kwanwoo Hong, and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 2005


Porous Materials for Sound Absorption and Transmission Control, J Stuart Bolton


"Two-Microphone" Nearfield Acoustical Holography, J Stuart Bolton, Yong T. Cho, Hyu-Sang Kwon, and Yong-Joe Kim


Sound Transmission Throough Lined, Composite Panel Structures: Transversely Isotropic Poro-Elastic Model, J Stuart Bolton and Jeong-Woo Kim


Effect of Lining Anisotropy on Sound Attenuation in Lined Ducts, J Stuart Bolton, Jeong-Woo Kim, and Jonathan H. Alexander


The Correlation of the Performance of Duct Lining Materials with Their Normal Incidence Properties, J Stuart Bolton, Jeong-Woo Kim, Taewook Yoo, and Jonathan H. Alexander


Fan Noise Control by Enclosure Modification, Moohyung Lee, J Stuart Bolton, Taewook Yoo, Hiroto Ido, and Kenichi Seki


Prediction of Random Incidence Transmission Loss based on Normal Incidence Four-Microphone Measurements, Taewook Yoo, J Stuart Bolton, and Jonathan H. Alexander


Acoustic Radiation Modes of a Tire on a Reflecting Surface, Kiho Yum, Kwanwoo Hong, and J Stuart Bolton


Sound Radiation Control Resulting from Tire Structural Vibration, Kiho Yum, Kwanwoo Hong, and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 2001


Modeling Tire Treadband Vibration, J Stuart Bolton and Yong-Joe Kim


Numerical Modeling of the Damping Effect of Fibrous Acoustical Treatments, Ron W. Gerdes, Jonathan H. Alexander, Bryce K. Gardner, Heng-Yi Lai, and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 1998


Development of Axisymmetric Finite Elements for Poroelastic Materials, J Stuart Bolton, Yeon June Kang, In Hwa Jung, and Bryce K. Gardner


Partial Field Decomposition in Near-field Acoustical Holography by the Use of Singular Value Decomposition and Partial Coherence Procedures, J. Stuart Bolton and Hyu-Sang Kwon


Nearfield Acoustical Holography Applied to Sound Radiation From Tires, J. Stuart Bolton, Hyu-Sang Kwon, and Darren L. Hallman


Optimization of Acoustical Systems Incorporating Fibrous Elements for Sound Absorption, J Stuart Bolton, Kevin H.-Y. Lai, and Jonathan H. Alexander


Structural Damping by the Use of Fibrous Blankets, J. Stuart Bolton, Kevin H.-Y. Lai, and Jonathan H. Alexander


The Wave Number Decomposition Approach to the Analysis of Tire Vibration, J. Stuart Bolton, Heuk Jin Song, and Yoon Ki Kim


The Use of Poro-Elastic Finite Elements to Model the Structural Damping Effect of Fibrous Acoustical Treatments, Ron W. Gerdes, Johnathan H. Alexander, Bryce K. Gardner, Heng-Yi Lai, and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 1997


Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Estimation by Use of Spatial Parametric Signal Modeling, J. Stuart Bolton and Hyu-Sang Kwon


A Comparison of Partial Coherence and Singular Value Partial Field Decomposition in the Context of Nearfield Acoustical Holography, J. Stuart Bolton, Hyu-Sang Kwon, and J. K. Hammond


Layered Fibrous Treatments for Sound Absorption and Sound Transmission, J. Stuart Bolton, Heng-Yi Lai, Srinivas Katragadda, and Jonathan H. Alexander

Submissions from 1995


Correlation of Tire Intensity Levels and Passby Sound Pressure Levels, J Stuart Bolton, Henry R. Hall, Richard F. Schumacher, and Jeffrey Stott


Finite Element Models for Sound Transmission through Foam Wedges and Foam Layers Having Spatially Graded Properties, J. Stuart Bolton and Yeon June Kang


A Model for Sound Absorption by and Sound Transmission Through Limp Fibrous Layers, J Stuart Bolton, Srinivas Katragadda, and Heng-Yi Lai

Submissions from 1994


Nearfield Acoustical Holography for the Visualization of Interior Sound Fields, J Stuart Bolton and Darren L. Hallman


The Application of Nearfield Acoustical Holography to Locate Sources in Enclosed Spaces Exhibiting Acoustic Modal Behavior, Darren L. Hallman, J Stuart Bolton, Lynn B. Long, and Hiroshi Takata

Submissions from 1993


Cancellation of Radiated Sound Fields by the Use of Multipole Secondary Sources, Thierry A. Beauvilain and J Stuart Bolton


“Smart” Foams for Active Absorption of Sound (written version), J Stuart Bolton and Edward R. Green


"Smart" Foams for Active Absorption of Sound, E. R. Green and J Stuart Bolton


The Modeling of Anisotropic Fuselage Lining Material, Yeon June Kang and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 1990


A broadband noise prediction scheme for low-noise centrifugal blowers, Peter Konieczny and J. Stuart Bolton


The Damping of Panels by Thick Layers of Elastic Porous Media, Nae-Ming Stuart Shiau, T J. Wahl, and J Stuart Bolton


The Use of the Discrete Fourier Transform to Calculate the Spatial Response of Damped Panels, Thomas J. Wahl and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 1988


The Use of Intensity Techniques for Noise Source Identification in Small Machinery, Urs D. Dietschi and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 1987


In-Duct Measurement of Turbocharger Noise, William L. Krasson and J Stuart Bolton

Submissions from 1984


An Improved Technique for the Valuation of Structural Dynamic Response, J Stuart Bolton and M.D.C. Dyne

Submissions from 1982


Sound Absorption by Double Panel Factory Roof Constructions, J Stuart Bolton and Neil C. Baines

Submissions from 1977


Excitation of an Acoustic Resonator by Turbulent Flow, J Stuart Bolton