AI Will Change Our World—Not Necessarily for the Better.

Presenter Information

Lee Imrey, Splunk

Streaming Media



You’re here because you recognize the potential positive impact offered by technology. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning help businesses, individuals and the public sector make better decisions. Decisions can be made faster, through an objective, fair and auditable process. As Big Data, AI and Machine Learning become more ubiquitous, it will remove human bias from decision-making, and help members of society be judged on their own merits, rather than the color of their skin, their socioeconomic status, or similar factors. That’s what we’re being old anyway. But none of this is necessarily true. Come to this session and find out why


Stewart 278

Start Date

11-2018 10:00 AM


Nov 1st, 10:00 AM

AI Will Change Our World—Not Necessarily for the Better.

Stewart 278

You’re here because you recognize the potential positive impact offered by technology. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning help businesses, individuals and the public sector make better decisions. Decisions can be made faster, through an objective, fair and auditable process. As Big Data, AI and Machine Learning become more ubiquitous, it will remove human bias from decision-making, and help members of society be judged on their own merits, rather than the color of their skin, their socioeconomic status, or similar factors. That’s what we’re being old anyway. But none of this is necessarily true. Come to this session and find out why