Home > Libraries > LIBRARIESPUBLISHING > Library Publishing Division Conferences and Proceedings > Dismantling Bias > 2022 > Track 11
Dismantling Bias Conference Series
Gender Inequality and Workplace Experience
Does the Fatherhood Bonus Apply to Single Fathers? Evidence from a Survey Experiment
Aimzhan Iztayeva Iztayeva
What's in it for men to be allies to women? Examining interpersonal and institutional pressure in driving men's self-interest in allyship
Vienne Wing-yan Lau-DiCicco and Meg A. Warren
Gender Backlash Against Men at Work: A Literature Review and Future Research Agenda
Payal Sharma, Rachel Sturm, Bradley Kirkman, and Brett Neely
What is Genuine Allyship: An Exploration of Transgender Workers' Job Attitudes and Experiences
Adam Pervez, Kevin D. Lo, and Marissa K. Edwards