Home > Libraries > LIBRARIESPUBLISHING > Library Publishing Division Conferences and Proceedings > Dismantling Bias > 2018 > Track 3
Dismantling Bias Conference Series
Work-Family/Life and Supportive Workplaces
An examination of the relationship between perceived organizational support for family flexibility, supervisor support for family flexibility, and the use of family friendly benefits
Ellen Smith and Margaret S. Stockdale
Differences in men and women's response to availability pressures: A structured equation model ono the influence of perceived availability pressures on employees' boundary control, enacted boundary management strategy and work-home conflict
Pascale Peters, Rob Blomme, Daantje Derks, and Anne van Heertum
Leader-member exchange and belongingness: The role of gender dissimilarity in leaders' and members' citizenship behaviors
Catherine E. Kleshinski and Kelly S. Wilson