Data Information Literacy Case Study Directory | Library Publishing Division Legacy Publications | Purdue University


Editors: Jake Carlson, University of Michigan
  Megan Sapp Nelson, Purdue University

The Data Information Literacy (DIL) Case Studies Directory serves as a repository of materials used to teach students competencies in working with, managing, sharing and curating their research data. Each of the DIL case studies includes a description of the educational program and any accompanying supporting materials such as syllabi, lesson plans, rubrics, exercises or other learning objects. DIL case studies are available for re-use under a CC-BY license and information on how to cite a case study is provided.

The DIL Directory welcomes submissions of learning materials from DIL programs developed by librarians, archivists or other information professionals. Submissions will be reviewed by the editors of the directory and should include a brief description of the program. If accepted, the case study is assigned a DOI to enable citation as a part of the publication process. More information about submitting materials for publication can be found in the "Policies" section.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Recent Case Studies