Aims & Scope
The purpose of the Data Information Literacy (DIL) Case Studies directory is to share and preserve materials that have been used in teaching students or faculty competencies in managing, curating or working with research data. Through developing this collection of case studies, we seek to encourage and support librarians’ active engagement in teaching data literacy.
Research data is commonly defined as "The recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings" (OMB Circular A-110, For the purposes of the DIL Case Study Directory, we extend this definition to explicitly include data from the social science and humanities disciplines.
The terms of use of the materials are assigned by the author of the submitted materials, however we strongly encourage the re-use and repurposing of materials for teaching purposes to the extent permitted. For this reason, the default license for the teaching materials is "public domain". However, if the materials are referred to in publications or presentations they should be given a citation. A DOI is assigned to each DIL Case Study for this purpose.