"Rhetorical Care Technologies" by Soyeon Lee


Drawing from an ethnographic study with Korean-speaking language minority communities in an urban metropolitan area in the United Sates, this study illuminates how multilingual transnational community workers and members cope with disaster recovery–specific technologies in the aftermath of COVID-19. Networking studies on language and cultural differences and studies on care rhetorics in feminist science and technology studies, this study examines how language minorities enact translingual and translational activities as care practices. By attending to racial, linguistic, and cultural differences and unequal power structures, this study identifies four emerging findings: 1) developing translingual attunements; 2) cultivating transmodal attunements; 3) producing translational attunements; and 4) enacting transcultural coalitional actions. These findings suggest multilingual transnational communities rhetorically negotiate disaster management technologies and unequal distributions of disaster relief resources by translating a wide range of forms and leveraging diverse translingual and transmodal resources. To disrupt technocratic textual regimes of disaster recovery, the author argues that more research should investigate diverse rhetorical strategies and caring practices performed by marginalized communities.

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