"Designing for Everyday Life in Global Contexts" by Guiseppe Getto and Huatong Sun


This special issue is a situated response in this discourse context, to investigate research issues surrounding the mundaneness and messiness of “Designing for Everyday Life in Global Contexts.” For the past two decades, a steadily growing body of work on the intersections of intercultural communication and information design has been developing within the field of Technical and Professional Communication (e.g., Kostelnick,1995; Chu, 1999; Fukuoka, 1999; Honold, 1999; Thatcher, 1999; Zahed, Van Pelt, & Song, 2001; St. Amant, 2002, 2005; Sun, 2006, 2012; Agboka, 2013; Breuch, 2015; Gustav, 2015; St. Amant & Rice, 2015; Maher & Getto, 2016; Sun & Getto, 2017; Zhou & Getto, 2017). This work variously seeks to articulate culturally situated and rhetorically sound practices for designing in intercultural, cross-cultural, and global contexts, contexts in which a variety of cultures, identities, and technologies are required.

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Rhetoric Commons
