Volume 3, Issue 1 (2016)
Reflective Essays
Reducing Landfill Waste: Implementation and Optimization of a Vermicomposting System
John Hemmerling, Jeremy Pan, Sahil Bhalla, and Karan Kedia
Connecting Volunteerism to a Career: My Journey With the American Cancer Society and Pharmacy
Christine Kane
Implementation of Universal HPLC Analysis for Counterfeit Medication: A Partnership of Purdue University and the Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy
Jordyn McCord, Michael Mavity, and David Wintczak
Working Together: A Caring Relation Between a Teacher and a Mathematics Educator
Elizabeth Suazo Flores
Experiencing the Culture of Cap-Haïtien: A Trip to Haiti
Alacyn Cox, Kamille Brawner, and Kylie Echard
Walking Among the Haitians: Cultural Experiences in Haiti
Chris Gonzales, Brendan Schneider, and Brian Wagler
Community Partner Snapshots
Purdue Habitat for Humanity International Trip
Zack McCormack
Partners in Haiti
Maggie Del Ponte, Christa Cheatham, Montana Campbell, Rachel Stowers, and Kelli Teskey
Imagination Station
Kristina Lasker
Urban Water Project at Food Finders
Abby Zielinski
Profile Interviews
Profile Interview With Faculty Mentor Lindsey Payne
John Saltanovitz
Profile Interview With Faculty Mentor Lalatendu Acharya
Jill Inderstrodt-Stephens
Profile Interview With Faculty Mentor Jane Krause
Elizabeth J. Dowell and Ashley M. Schinker
Research with Reflection
Learning to Sew: A Student Pharmacist’s Service-Learning Experience
Karolina M. Grzesiak, Craig A. Vargo, Ellen M. Schellhase, Monica L. Miller, Rakhi Karwa, Sonak D. Pastakia, and Beatrice Jakait
Smart Health Monitoring System: A Human-Centered Design
Dolzodmaa Davaasuren, Jordy Timothy, Askar Zhapbassov, Tahmeed Rafee, Prim Boonwisut, and Raymond Tanudaja
The Smart Airport App, Transit.io: The Travel Optimizer
Jacqueline Andrews, Devin Burke, Uvika Chaturvedi, Jake Collins, Pranav Gupta, Vikrant Neb, Harsh Somani, and Alyssa Williams
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