Dissertations from 2018
Corporate Social Responsibility of Construction and Real Estate Development Companies in Developing Countries: An Assessment Model, Ahmed Nabil Abdel-Salam
Effect of Cue Cardinality, Cue Representation and Judgment Options on Human Judgments, Harsh Wardhan Aggarwal
Pre-Service Teachers' Understanding of Geometric Reflections in Terms of Motion and Mapping View, Murat Akarsu
An Overall Policy Decision-Support System For Educational Facilities Management: An Agent-Based Approach, Haya Bader Albader
Beer to Stay: Brewed Culture, Ethnicity, and the Market Revolution, Brian Alberts
Translocation of Neonicotinoid in Maize and Nontarget Impacts to Water and Soil, Adam Alford
Identification of Novel Therapeutic Targets for Chronic Pain, Doungkamol Alongkronrusmee
A Framework for Comparative Life-Cycle Evaluation of Alternative Pavement Types, Saeed Alqadhi
Process Characterization and Optimization of Roll-to-Roll Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition for Graphene Growth, Majed A. Alrefae
Experimentally validated quantum transport models for tunneling devices based on novel materials, Tarek A. Ameen Beshari
Interparental Conflict as a Context for Early Child-Parent Attachment Relationships, Laura Yanett Anaya
East Asian International Students' Interdependent Happiness: The Role of Acculturative Stress, Dialectical Thinking, and Collectivistic Coping, Yaping Huang Anderson
Avian Immunogenetics and Evolution of a Passerine Bird in the Face of Malarial Parasites, Jennifer D. Antonides
Large Scale Constrained Trajectory Optimization Using Indirect Methods, Thomas Antony
A Performance-Based Framework for Guiding Enroute Air Traffic Control Sector Design, Julian R. Archer
Bridge Load Rating: A General Procedure for Load Rating Bridges without Plans, Rafael Ricardo Armendariz Briones
Comparison of Brachypodium and Wheat Response to Hessian Fly, Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelhady Mohamed Awad
Spin-Torque Sensors for Energy Efficient and High Speed Global Interconnects, Zubair Al Azim
Analysis of Packaged Air Conditioning System for High Temperature Climates, Ammar M. Bahman
Modeling and Simulation of Blood Flow past the Distal Anastomosis of the Arteriovenous Graft for Hemodialysis, Zengding Bai
Minimal Models of Rational Elliptic Curves with non-Trivial Torsio, Alexander J. Barrios
"Do I Even Remember the List?': Identity, Place, and Legal Consciousness of Marriage Among LGBTQ Individuals.", D Ross Beall
Studies on the Impact Initiation and Kinetics of Condensed Phase Reactives with Application to the Shock Induced Reaction Synthesis of Cubic Boron Nitride, Matthew T. Beason
Using Computational Musicological Approaches and Informatics to Characterize Soundscapes in Diverse Natural and Human-Dominated Ecosystems, Kristen M. Bellisario
Holostream: High-accuracy, High-speed 3D Range Video Encoding and Streaming, Tyler Bell
Multi-Hazard In-Plane Response of Steel-plate Composite (SC) Walls: Out-of-plane and Accident Thermal Loadings, Saahastaranshu R. Bhardwaj
Pre-Service Teachers' Understanding the Measurement of the Area of Rectangles, Cetin Kursat Bilir
Photoassociation in 87RB BECS and in Ultracold 7LI85RB, David Blasing
A Pragmatic Methodology for the (Queer) Self, Elaine M. Blum
YshB is a positive regulator for Salmonella intracellular survival and facilitates the spatio-temporal regulation of bacterial pathogenesis, Rajdeep Bomjan
On the Computation and Composition of Belyi Maps and Dessins d'Enfants, Jacob A. Bond
Raw Material Variability in Food Manufacturing, Brian A. Bourquard
Sex, Culture, and the Politics of Fashion in Stuart England, Emilie M. Brinkman
‘MakingThings Happen’ in Cross-sector Partnerships: A Multiple Case Study, Priyanka Shah Brunese
Three Essays on Skill Heterogeneity in Frictional Labor Markets, Jacklyn R. Buhrmann
Religion and Movement Activism in 1960s Chicago, D. Trevor Burrows
An Investigation of Micro-Surface Shaping on the Piston/Cylinder Interface of Axial Piston Machines, Ashley Busquets
Quantifying Human Heat Stress in Working Environments, and Their Relationship to Atmospheric Dynamics, Due to Global Climate Change, Jonathan R. Buzan
Gist of a Gest: Learning Gestures for the First Time, Maria Eugenia Cabrera Ubaldi
Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of Arsenic Tolerance and Accumulation in Pteris vittata, Chao Cai
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Functional Analysis of Tissues and Biomaterials, Luyao Cai
Characterization of Type I Collagen and Osteoblast Response to Mechanical Loading, Silvia P. Canelón
Data-driven Resource Allocation in Virtualized Environments, Lianjie Cao
Modeling of Bearing Dynamics Using Combined EFEM-DEM Method, Lijun Cao
Regulation of Intestinal Lipid Storage and Mobilization, Alicia L. Carreiro
A Solidarity Economy on the Border: Examining Historical and Contemporary Case Studies in El Paso, Texas as De Facto Contributors to a U.S.-Based Movement, Michelle E. Carreon
Using Tangible Interaction and Virtual Reality to Support Spatial Perspective Taking Ability, Shen-Kuen Chang
Social Brokerage, Psychology, and Innovation in Intra-Organizational Networks, Hongzhi Chen
Proteomics Strategies to Develop Proteins of Post-translational Modifications in Plasma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as Disease Markers, I-Hsuan (Blair) Chen
Label free chemical imaging reveals novel metabolite signatures in living model organisms, Jing (Andy) Chen
Assessment of urbanization impacts on surface runoff and effects of green infrastructure on hydrology and water quality, Jingqiu Chen
Conventions of the Commons: Technical Communication and Crowdsourced Digital Publishing, Amelia Chesley
Choosing Wickedness: Moral Evil in Kant's Religion, Changtze Chia
Computational Learning for Hand Pose Estimation, Chiho Choi
Sustainable Supply Planning of By-Product Minerals: A Case Study on Indium, Chul Hun Choi
Computational Methods for Matrix/Tensor Factorization and Deep Learning Image Denoising, Joon Hee Choi
The Relationships of Social Cognitive Career Theory Factors and Cybersecurity Research Self-Efficacy, Rylan C. Chong
Thermal & Non-Thermal Signatures From Galactic Nuclei, Ian Christie
Investigations of the Electrical, Vibrational and Optical Properties of Graphene-based Materials, Ting-Fung Chung
Measurements of Transition Dominated by the Second-Mode Instability at Mach 6, Brandon C. Chynoweth
The Human Dimensions of Invasive Plant Management on Family Forestlands: A Case Study in Indiana, Mysha K. Clarke
Secular Discourse in Postcolonial West African Narratives: Problems and Perspectives: A Comparative Study, Malick Coly
Gender and Parental Support to Adult Children in Later Life, Gülçin Con
Quantum correlations in nanophotonics: from long-range dipole-dipole interactions to fundamental efficiency limits of coherent energy transfer, Cristian L. Cortes
On the Front Line: Locating Mentorship in the Composition Practicum, Sherri Elaine Craig
Manipulating Light Quality, Light Intensity, and Carbon Dioxide Concentration to Optimize Indoor and Greenhouse Production of Annual Bedding Plant Seedlings, Joshua Ken Craver
Folate Receptor Beta as a Marker of Immunosuppressive Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells and Tumor Associated Macrophages in the Tumor Microenvironment, Gregory Micheal Cresswell
Modeling Anthropogenic Disturbance of Wildlife, Laura E. D'Acunto
The Influence of Biomass Burning Aerosols on Stratocumulus Clouds over the South-East Atlantic, Sampa Das
Producing Nanoscale Laser Spot and its Applications, Anurup Datta
Modeling the Behavioral Landscape Ecology of a Reintroduced Carnivore, Casey C. Day
Hispanic Acculturation and Perceived Discrimination's Impact on Emerging Adult's Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms Over Time: A Longitudinal Investigation., Hector F. De Los Santos
Multidimensional Nonlinear Optical Imaging, Fengyuan Deng
Political Order in the Modernizing Mormon Kingdom, 1887-1896, Mark Denninghoff
Structure-Function Analysis of a Flavivirus Non-Structural Protein, Michael J. Dibiaso White
Conceptualizing Individual Disaster Resilience: Benchmarking Tools for Individual and Social Coping Capacity for a Disaster Resilient Society, Lindsey J. DiTirro
Behavioral Pharmacology of Alcohol and Legal Psychostimulants, Meridith Tracy Doyle
Characterization of Manifold Microchannel Heat Sinks During Two-Phase Operation, Kevin P. Drummond
Pathology or Neurodiversity?: Cognitive Accessibility and the Rhetorical Construction of ADHD in Higher Education, Samuel James Dunn
Design Methodology for a High-Frequency Transformer in an Isolating DC-DC Converter, Veda Samhitha Duppalli
Understanding the Relation Between Sexual Objectification and Ostracism, Maayan Dvir
Polysulfide Mitigation at the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface: Experiments in Rechargeable Lithium Sulfur Batteries, Arthur D. Dysart
Teacher Identity and the Role of Relational Coaching, Melinda R. Ehmer
Highly Excited States of Small Molecules and Negative Atomic Ions, Matthew T. Eiles
GNSS/INS-Assisted Multi-Camera Mobile Mapping: System Architecture, Modeling, Calibration, and Enhanced Navigation, Magdy Elbahnasawy
Improving Information Alignment and Distributed Coordination for Secure Information Supply Chains, Omar Eldardiry
Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods, Youhan Fang
Design and Development of Adaptive Intrusion Management for Cyber-Based Systems, Muhamad Felemban
Spin-orbit interaction and electron spin qubits in silicon quantum dots, Rifat Ferdous
Global On-line, Interactive and Simulated Learning Techniques via BIRS, Janet L. Fourman
Enzymatic Inhibition By Lignin During Second Generation Ethanol Production, Antonio Carlos Freitas dos Santos
Metaethical Mooreanism, Jonathan Fuqua
Understanding the adoption, maintenance, diffusion of urban stormwater management practices, Yuling Gao
Acute Effects of Contractile Activity on Skeletal Muscle Exosomes, Ron T. Garner
Plant Mediated Effects on Tritrophic Interactions in the Solanaceae-Hornworm System, Michael A. Garvey
Food Quality Versus Quantity: Consumer's Value Perception and the Influence of Eating Style, Li Ge