Date of Award
Fall 2014
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Curriculum & Instruction
First Advisor
Jennifer C. Richardson
Committee Chair
Jennifer C. Richardson
Committee Member 1
Timothy J. Newby
Committee Member 2
Karen Swan
Committee Member 3
Chantal Levesque-Bristol
Committee Member 4
Catherine E. Watt
The purpose of this study was to develop an effective instrument to measure student readiness in online learning with reliable predictors of online learning success factors such as learning outcomes and learner satisfaction. The validity and reliability of the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) instrument were tested using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability analysis. Twenty items from three competencies, i.e. social competencies, communication competencies, and technical competencies, were designated for the initial instrument based on the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) Model as a new conceptual model. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed that four factor-structures of the instrument of student readiness in online learning explained 66.69% of the variance in the pattern of relationships among the items. All four factors had high reliabilities (all at or above Cronbach's alpha> .823). Twenty items remained in the final questionnaire after deleting one item which cross-loaded on multiple factors (social competencies with classmates: five items, social competencies with instructor: five items, communication competencies: four items, and technical competencies: six items). The four-factor structure of the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) has been confirmed through this study. Educators can use the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) instrument in order to discover a better understanding of the level of freshmen college students' online learning readiness by measuring their social, communication, and technical competencies. In addition, this study was looking at two factors of social integration in Tinto's SIM and has introduced the Student Online Learning Readiness (SOLR) conceptual model with the purpose to extend Tinto's social integration to online learning environment
Recommended Citation
Yu, Taeho, "An exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis of the student online learning readiness (SOLR) instrument" (2014). Open Access Dissertations. 397.