Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Engineering Technology

First Advisor

Athula Kulatunga

Committee Member 1

Chris Foreman

Committee Member 2

Raji Sundararajan

Committee Member 3

Kartik B Ariyur


The modern power distribution system differs drastically from the conventional power distribution system. Smart grid and micro-grid technologies make the modern distribution system more complicated. In modern power distribution network two way power flow is possible due to the installation of distributed energy resources compared to the one way power flow from generation to consumer in conventional power distribution system. Utility companies had full control over the conventional power distribution system. With the more and more DERs in placed by privet sectors and some times by individual home owners managing the power distribution system becomes more and more complex. Maintaining the reliability and the stability of the system is becoming a challenge in modern power distribution system. Addition of DERs has significant effect on the reliability of the network.
