Date of Award
January 2015
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physics & Astronomy
First Advisor
Ephraim Fischbach
Committee Member 1
Andrew S. Hirsch
Committee Member 2
Ken P. Ritchie
Committee Member 3
Matthew T. Jones
We present a treatment of time-varying nuclear transition rates intended to guide future experimental searches, focusing primarily on the concept of ``self--induce decay.'' This investigation stems from a series of recent reports that suggest that the decay rates of several isotopes may have been influenced by solar activity (perhaps by solar neutrinos). A mechanism in which (anti)neutrinos can influence the decay process suggests that a sample of decaying nuclei emitting neutrinos could affect its own rate of decay. Past experiments have searched for this "self-induced decay" (SID) effect by measuring deviations from the expected decay rate for highly active samples of varying geometries. Here, we further develop a SID formalism which takes into account the activation process. In the course of the treatment, the observation is made that the SID behavior closely resembles the behavior of rate-related losses due to dead-time, and hence that standard dead-time corrections can result in the removal of possible SID-related behavior.
Recommended Citation
Nistor, Jonathan, "Direct and Indirect Searches for Anomalous Beta Decay" (2015). Open Access Dissertations. 1314.