"Modular Human-in-the-loop Design Framework Based on Human Factors" by Hasan Onan Demirel

Date of Award

January 2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Industrial Engineering

First Advisor

Vincent G Duffy

Committee Member 1

Mark R Lehto

Committee Member 2

Nathan W Hartman

Committee Member 3

Senay Purzer


Human-in-the-loop design framework introduced in this dissertation utilizes Digital Human Modeling (DHM) to incorporate Human Factors Engineering (HFE) design principles early in design process. It embodies scientific methods (e.g., mathematics) and artistic approaches (e.g., visualization) to assess human well-being and overall system performance. This framework focuses not only on ergonomics assessments but also actual design process including, but not limited to, concept development, structural integrity and digital prototyping. It addresses to three major limitations found in HFE literature and practices:
