"The Reception of Danish Science Fiction in the United States" by Kristine J. Anderson


Niels Dalgaard remarks in "Den gode gamle fremtid," his treatise on Danish science fiction of the 1970's, that "a genre such as SF develops through a dialogue with its neighboring genres, and when it is moved from one genre landscape to another (e.g., from one national literature to another), and thus gets new neighbors, new kinds of works will result." ( 303). Danish Science Fiction, as surveyed by Dalgaard in Neil Barron's "Anatomy of Wonder" has existed since the 1741 appearance of Ludvig Holberg's "Niels Klims underjordiske rejse" in Latin and even includes several stories by Hans Christian Anderson, yet very little of it has made its way into the English language. The article chronologically surveys the few English translations of such works and their reviews in the US media.


science fiction, danish, reception, united states

Published in:

The Bridge: Journal of the Danish American Heritage Society, vol. 29, no. 2 (2006), 278-294

Date of this Version

June 2006
