"Enabling Interaction and Quality in a Distributed Data DRIS" by D. Scott Brandt, James L. Mullins et al.


Purdue University Libraries has undertaken the development of a distributed data institutional repository in response to needs of researchers. The result will be a Distributed Research Information System (DRIS) for the university, composed of multiple repositories which may be formal or informal Current Research Information Systems (CRIS). This paper reviews strategic approaches, architectures, roles and interactions of all the players and parts involved.


CRIS;; current research information system;;repository

Published in:

Enabling Interaction and Quality: Beyond the Hanseatic League, 8th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (pp. 55-62). The Netherlands: Leuven University Press, 2006.

Date of this Version

May 2006

PUL-CRIS2006_final.ppt (722 kB)
PowerPoint slides that accompanied presentation of paper
