Recommended Citation
Ward, D. R. Evaluation of the Implementation of Hot Pour Sealants and Equipment for Crack Sealing in Indiana. Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-2000/27. Joint Transportation Research Program, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2001.
This study was initiated as an implementation effort that would monitor, assist with and report on a new maintenance activity involving the trial use of hot pour crack sealant. Work associated with this new activity was qualitatively assessed over a period of several years. INDOT began by purchasing six oil-jacketed melters that were distributed to various sub-districts. Previous INDOT research indicated using hot pour sealant might save on labor expense because it lasted significantly longer than the current emulsion. Random observations were made of various sub-district crews using hot pour sealant and the results were reported to appropriate personnel. Inspections were made on field operations and equipment performance. The study resulted in the preparation of a written work activity, development of general guidelines for sealing, creation of a training video, the exchange of information and reporting of findings. As a result of this study and other efforts INDOT has purchased several more melters with improved features. The total volume of hot pour sealing being conducted is relatively small compared to emulsion sealing. Currently INDOT spends over two million dollars on crack sealing efforts. This study has prompted the need to conduct research that will examine the cost effectiveness of crack sealing.
Report Number
crack, sealant, melter, router, SPR-2076
SPR Number
Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, IN
Date of this Version