Recommended Citation
Farooq, O., K. C. Sinha, J. Nagle, D. S. James, and Y. Jiang. Development of a Highway Safety Management System for Indiana: Phase 1. Publication FHWA/IN/JHRP-94/14. Joint Highway Research Project, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1994.
This report presents the work plan for the development of a highway safety management system for Indiana. It identifies major activities and responsibilities for the development and implementation of a formal, statewide, interactive safety decision-making process. The safety management system of Indiana is perceived as a continuous process of considering all opportunities to improve highway safety in all phases of highway planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation. The primary emphasis is on coordination of activities at various levels and on the development of a common information data base that can be used for selecting and implementing effective highway safety strategies and projects.
Report Number
safety management, HPR-2088
SPR Number
Project Number
File Number
Performing Organization
Joint Highway Research Project
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, IN
Date of this Version