Recommended Citation
Olek, J., M. D. Cohen, C. F. Scholer, and D. R. Mandrekar. Use of Modulus of Rupture, Fatigue Resistance and Maturity in Determining Opening to Traffic Time for Concrete Pavements. Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-2000/25. Joint Transportation Research Program, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2003.
The main objective of this experimental and analytical research project was to develop maturity-based guidelines for early opening-to-traffic of concrete pavements in the state of Indiana. Currently, the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) specifies that pavements can be opened to traffic when the concrete reaches the strength of at least 3.8 MPa (550 psi). During this study modulus of rupture (MOR) and maturity data were collected and strength gain characteristics were analyzed. Also, fatigue experiments were performed at different stress levels and ages. Based on the experimental results, modulus of rupture of concrete was correlated with corresponding fatigue life for a specific age. The maturity data was then linked with fatigue results through flexural strength correlation. A safe early opening age was determined based on design load used by INDOT and specifications for allowable repetitions. The results of this research should be useful to both INDOT and contractor by allowing for quantification of the impact of early opening on performance of the pavement. In addition, early pavement opening will reduce the cost to the travelling public by reducing construction time and improving safety in the construction zone. .
Report Number
concrete pavements, modulus of rupture, fatigue resistance, maturity, opening to traffic, SPR-2333
SPR Number
Project Number
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Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, IN
Date of this Version