

For over a decade, segment-based probe data has been extensively used by transportation stakeholders for monitoring mobility on Indiana roadways. However, enhanced probe data from connected vehicles includes a richer dataset that can provide more detailed real-time and after-action reviews. This enhanced data includes detailed vehicle trajectories, at 3s resolution, and “event data.” This event data is near real-time and includes hard-braking events, hard-acceleration events, weather-related data, including wiper activations and some seat belt usage data. This project developed a set of methodologies and resulting visualizations that enables the use of emerging connected vehicle data in operational decision-making on work zone management and winter operations activities. Each month approximately 13 billion connected vehicle records are ingested for Indiana. During peak periods, approximately 625,000 records per minute are ingested. Without substantial processing, this large data set is “data-rich, information-poor.” This study developed techniques to rapidly assign relevant data to interstate segments so that visual graphics could be efficiently generated. This provided the ability for both real-time monitoring as well as after action assessment to identify opportunities to improve both work zone operations and winter operation activities. The summaries derived from these datasets have helped promote effective actionable dialog among agencies, contractors, and public safety colleagues towards the overarching goal of improving interstate safety and mobility.

Report Number



enhanced probe data, connected vehicle data, winter weather, construction, work zone, winter operations, interstate mobility

SPR Number


Performing Organization

Joint Transportation Research Program

Publisher Place

West Lafayette, IN

Date of this Version

