"Estimating Statewide Vehicle Miles Traveled in Indiana : Draft Final R" by Robert Kwasi Kumapley and Jon D. Fricker




Two cross classification models have been developed in this study for use in the estimation of statewide VMT in Indiana. This is to provide INDOT with an independent source of improved statewide VMT estimates based on driver behavior to supplement the estimates obtained from the traffic count based HPMS method. The models are calibrated to produce VMT estimates for all functional classes in the state network, including combined statewide VMT estimates for functional classes that are not part of the state highway system. The results obtained in the model evaluation process indicate that the models are well calibrated. Model-generated VMT estimates are noted to be within 5 percent of Indiana VMT estimates published in Highway Statistics . The models were found to neither consistently overestimate nor underestimate the Highway Statistics VMT estimates. The models are incorporated into a QUATTRO PRO spreadsheet program to allow INDOT simple and efficient execution of the models. The advantage of having the two models is to use the Short-term Model to forecast short term statewide VMT, and then use the VMT Tracking Model to track annually the VMT forecasts obtained from the Short-term Model.

Report Number




SPR Number


Project Number


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Performing Organization

Joint Highway Research Project

Publisher Place

West Lafayette, IN

Date of this Version

