Recommended Citation
Feng, A., J. Hua, and T. D. White. Flexible Pavement Drainage Monitoring, Performance, and Stability. Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-99/02. Joint Transportation Research Program, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1999.
The current study is a continuation of the study FHWA/IN/JTRP project HPR-2078, “Locating the Drainage Layer for Flexible Pavements”. In this previous study, three test sections were constructed in a new pavement on a by-pass around Fort Wayne, Indiana. These test sections were instrumental to record temperatures, moisture, frost penetration, rainfall and subdrainage system overflow. Collected data and Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis indicate the subdrainage systems are performing satisfactorily. However, concern developed over the stability and rutting characteristics of the open-graded drainage layers. As a continuation study, longer term environmental and subdrainage performance data was collected. Additional data was collected from FWD tests, condition surveys and roughness measurements. Laboratory triaxial tests were also conducted on all asphalt mixtures, unbound aggregate materials and subgrades. Tests of asphalt mixtures were conducted at two loading speeds and both wet and dry. Asphalt mixture tests were conducted at the recorded seven-day high field temperature. These data were used in FEM analysis of the stability and rutting characteristics of the test sections The three subdrainage systems continue to be effective. There is no change in the ranking of performance. Section 1 (open-graded asphalt drainage layer over a dense asphalt base filter/separator layer) continues to drain significantly faster than section 2 and 3 (open-grade asphalt drainage layer over a dense aggregate filter/separator layer). Water infiltration through the surface has decreased significantly. The pavement sections are in excellent condition.
Report Number
flexible pavement, drainage, triaxial test, stability, rutting, SPR-2035
SPR Number
Project Number
File Number
Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, IN
Date of this Version