Volume 5 (2015)
Modeling the Performance Improvement Process: A Case Study of a Federally Qualified Health Center
Emily Bond
The Next-generation Solar Cell: Exploring the Role of Rear Junctions in Efficiency Enhancement
Dalton Chaffee
The Future of Food: Identifying Genetic Mechanisms Affecting Sorghum Protein Digestibility
Hailey Edmondson and Michael Busche
Designing a Community-based Water Harvesting System: Understanding Water Use in Endallah, Tanzania
Marisa Henry, Grace Baldwin, and Garrett Quathamer
Growth of Planetary Embryos: Conserving Mass During Planet Formation in the Oligarchic Growth Stage
Jennifer Larson
Ancient Mayan “Deformity”: Cultural Accommodation of Congenital Physical Anomaly in Mesoamerican Prehistory
Michael H. Lockman
Addressing Hospital Staffing Shortages: Dynamic Surgical Tool Tracking and Delivery Using Baxter
Sthitapragyan Parida
Research Snapshots
Farmer Perceptions of Big Data in Agriculture
Armenda N. Boyer, Elizabeth C. Engleking, and Margaret S. Gudas
The Effects of Bilingualism on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Monerah N. Al-Dubayan
Three-Dimensional Quantification of Angiotensin II-Induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Using High-Frequency Ultrasound
Amelia R. Adelsperger
Functionalization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Their Use in Biological Applications
Nina A. Bragg
Building Predictive Chemistry Models
Christopher Browne
Chronic Brain Stimulation Using Micro-Electrocortiographic Devices
Hayden C. Carney, Amelia A. Schendel, and Justin Williams
Solar-Combined Thermoelectric Power Generation Simulator
Hemanth Mullangi Chenchu
Assessing Powder Flow: An Analysis of Starch and Lactose Powders Under Static and Dynamic Conditions
Sunland L. Gong
Discovering the Impact of Catalytic Converters on Vehicular Nitrogen Oxides by Using Stable Nitrogen Isotopes
Stanford R. Goodwin
Low-Cost, Biocompatible, Long-Term Packaging Technique for Implantable Medical Devices
Pablo Jiménez-Corredor
Universal Method for Analysis of Counterfeit Medication for the Kilimanjaro School of Pharmacy in Tanzania
Michael Mavity, Jordyn McCord, Stephanie Schramm, Ellen Wright, David Wintczak, and Shanygne Ashley Damayo
Evaluation of an Energy-Efficient House in Lafayette, Indiana
Reinhard Mietusch
Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Surface-Coated Drug Nanocrystals
Alexandra R. Seybold
Catheterization Lab: Staffing Decision Support Model
Meredith Shannon and Jon Harrell
Performance Characterization of Microfluidic Peristaltic Pump Using Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry (μPIV)
Hamid Zamenian
Dante’s Appropriations of Aristotle’s Universe
Jacob B. Zatorski
Out of the Box
Out of the Box: Football . . . With Robots?
Christopher Markovich, Zachary A. Nava, and Benjamin M. Weiss
Out of the Box: Roles of Video in Research
Hatim Al Taha
Interview: Frank Dooley
Brooke Halteman
Back Matter
Student author Matthew Meyer in the Archives and Special Collections. Meyer uncovers a largely forgotten aviation pioneer and Purdue graduate Ralph S. Johnson in this issue. Courtesy of Mark Simons.