
Research Articles


The Effects of Ultra-Marathon Trail Running and the Physiological Response of Stress on Salivary Biomarkers
Kevan W. Stout, Jeremy R. Pearson, Catherine A. Hambleton, Jake A. Deckert, and Philip M. Gallagher


Influence of Core Temperature Changes During Whole-Body Warming and Cooling on Cutaneous Vascular Reactivity
Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Leonidas G. Ioannou, Stephen S. Cheung, and Andreas D. Flouris


Using Behavior Sequence Analysis to Study Teams During Long- Duration Isolation and Confinement
Andres Käosaar, Dr. Nathan Smith, Dr. David A. Keatley, Pranav Ambhorkar, Dr. Moritz von Looz, and Konstantinos Konstantinidis


Psychophysical Load During the Multistage Marathon des Sables: A Case Study
Leonidas G. Ioannou, Lydia Tsoutsoubi, Georgios I. Tsianos, and Andreas D. Flouris


The Combination of Cooling Techniques in a Tropical Environment Improves Precision Performance in Young International Fencers
Aurélie Collado, Nicolas Robin, Stéphane Sinnapah, Elisabeth Rosnet, Olivier Hue, and Guillaume R. Coudevylle


Using an Approach-Avoidance Framework to Understand the Relationship between Non-Lethal Weapons and Performance
Andrew J. Mojica, Christopher P. Bartak, Joseph N. Mitchell, and Alan Ashworth


Rim-to-Rim Wearables at the Canyon for Health (R2R WATCH): Physiological, Cognitive, and Biological Markers of Performance Decline in an Extreme Environment
Kristin Divis, Robert Abbott, Cathy Branda, Glory Emmanuel-Aviña, Jon Femling, J. Gabriel Huerta, Lucie Jelinková, J. Kyle Jennings, Emily A. Pearce, Daniel Ries, Danielle Sanchez, and Austin Silva