Ramp resource management (RRM) is a highly flight-safety-relevant, but to date widely overlooked, part of the air transportation system. Organizational, national, professional, and safety cultures play an important role in setting up resource management and training. This pilot study evaluates the influence of national culture on attitudes toward RRM, based on Geert Hofstede’s Values Survey Module. A slightly adapted version of this survey module was distributed to ramp personnel in Germany and national cultural indices were generated. A one-way analysis of variance revealed that, while some influence of national culture in RRM could be concluded, the majority of the results were not statistically significant (critical p-value < 0.05). In spite of the broad acceptance of the influence of national culture on crew resource management, the results could indicate weaknesses in current cultural values survey tools. Clearly, this pilot study indicates that further research in the field of RRM and culture is needed for a reliable evaluation of current RRM and training methods.
Recommended Citation
Muecklich, Nadine G.; Ruff-Stahl, Hans-Joachim K.; and Sikora, Ivan
"Pilot Study: Measuring Attitudes Toward Ramp Resource Management—The Influence of National Culture,"
Journal of Aviation Technology and Engineering:
Vol. 8:
2, Article 6.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.7771/2159-6670.1186