The Journal of the Arts and Special Education (JASE) is a peer-reviewed publication of the Division of Visual Arts and Performing Arts Education (DARTS) of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), and is distributed by Purdue University Press. DARTS is an organization that advocates for all students to experience the visual and performing arts, encourages research and a professional community in special education and the arts, and fosters collaboration across professionals and organizations. JASE aligns with the DARTS mission by disseminating research-based practices for educators, increasing visibility of research, advancing efforts to make the arts accessible, and spotlighting collaborative partnerships at the intersection of the arts and special education. This journal is published by Purdue University Press.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2023)
JASE 3.1 Cover
Elizabeth Oberholtzer
Culturally Sustaining Math Word Problem Instruction with Hip-Hop Story Schemas
Michelle J. Cook, Jonte C. Taylor, Elizabeth M. Hughes, and Thomas D. Deau
Multisensory Adaptations: Creating Art with Students Who Are Blind and Low Vision
Jasmine Begeske, Leslie Walsh, and David Ray Miranda
Engaging Community Partners to Enrich Preschoolers Learning Experiences with Dramatic Inquiry
Kathleen M. Farrand, Wendy Peia Oakes, Megan Troxel Deeg, Katelyn Jaworksi, and Veronica Leon