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A digital information literacy course for university teachers: Challenges and possibilities

Katri Rintamäki, University of Vaasa (Finland)
Anne Lehto, University of Vaasa (Finland)

Engineering graduates at work: Reality check for information literacy

Caroline Leiss, Technical University of Munich, University Library (Germany)
Pia Ludwig, Technical University of Munich, University Library (Germany)

Enhancing information literacy via MOOC and library’s i-Space

Shirley Chiu-Wing Wong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)

Getting digital tools into students' and researchers' workflows

Oliver Renn, ETH Zurich
Jozica Dolenc, ETH Zurich
Joachim Schnabl, ETH Zurich

On the role of tasks in virtual game-based learning: The example of “Lost in Antarctica“

Simone Kibler, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany)
Linda Eckardt, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany)

Using technology to teach students information literacy skills: An online module for first-year students at the University of Johannesburg (uj)

Elize du Toit, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)