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Dehumidification, membrane, electronics


Abstract: As outdoor electronics have become prevalent in every aspect of daily life, handling humidity in them is an emerging issue for reliable devices. As water vapor enters the electronics enclosure, there is a risk of condensation, which could prevent the electronics from functioning and further damage the device. Traditionally, the humidity removal for electronics is usually done by heating the air within the enclosure, which can be energy-intensive and less efficient. Vapor selective membrane systems are promising alternatives for air heating dehumidification as they do not require heating energy for water vapor removal. It allows water vapor transport through the membrane while blocking air. The objective of this research in the spring is to design and assemble electronics enclosures with a vapor selective membrane and sensors to monitor the humidity removal progress. Two designs including a vacuum pump and joule pump will be tested. The expected results are testable prototypes and preliminary test data that prove it is possible to accurately monitor the humidity level both inside and outside the enclosure for future testing.
