"A Pattern Approach to Examine the Design Space of Spatiotemporal Visua" by Chen Guo


Pattern language has been widely used in the development of visualization systems. This dissertation applies a pattern language approach to explore the design space of spatiotemporal visualization. The study provides a framework for both designers and novices to communicate, develop, evaluate, and share spatiotemporal visualization design on an abstract level. The touchstone of the work is a pattern language consisting of fifteen design patterns and four categories. In order to validate the design patterns, the researcher created two visualization systems with this framework in mind. The first system displayed the daily routine of human beings via a polygon-based visualization. The second system showed the spatiotemporal patterns of co-occurring hashtags with a spiral map, sunburst diagram, and small multiples. The evaluation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed design patterns to guide design thinking and create novel visualization practices.


Design pattern, spatiotemporal visualization, design space, scalable techniques

Date of this Version



Computer Graphics Technology

Department Head

Nathan Hartman

Month of Graduation



Doctor of Philosophy

Head of Graduate Program

Kathryne Newton

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Yingjie Victor Chen

Advisor 2

James L Mohler

Committee Member 1

Zhenyu Cheryl Qian

Committee Member 2

Andrew J Cowell
