"Incorporating Reverse Engineering Methodology into Engineering Curricu" by Trevor Wanamaker


Wanamaker, Trevor W., M.S., Purdue University, May 2012. Incorporating Reverse Engineering Methodology into Engineering Curricula. Major Professor: Craig L. Miller.

Using a qualitative research approach, this study investigated the thoughts and feelings of students regarding the question, “what factors need to be considered when Reverse Engineering (RE) methodology is incorporated into engineering curricula?” The participants in the study were from the Introduction to Graphics for Manufacturing course at the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University. An RE survey was given to the all students enrolled in the course and 10 select students were given the opportunity to use a 3D handheld scanner in a hands-on learning exercise. Each of the 10 students underwent two interviews with questions pertaining to the study, the course, the technology, and the factors they felt were important to RE. The instructor for the course and an industry professional were interviewed to support the data gathered from the student interviews. The outcome of the study was a list of factors that students, the instructor, and the industry professional felt were important to RE implementation. This study provides information important to implementing RE into engineering curricula and suggestions for future research in the field of RE.


reverse engineering, CAD, engineering, 3D modeling, 3D scanning

Date of this Version



Computer Graphics Technology

Department Head

Marvin Sarapin

Month of Graduation


Year of Graduation



Master of Science

Head of Graduate Program

Dr. Marvin Sarapin

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Dr. Craig L. Miller

Committee Member 1

Dr. Patrick E. Connolly

Committee Member 2

Dr. James L. Mohler
