"Investigating the Effect Specific Credits of the LEED Rating System ha" by Richelle Fosu


Throughout this thesis the potential financial and energy usage impact an upgrade to green building standards would have on an antiquated building has been analyzed. The extent of the implementation of specific LEED rating system credits that relate directly or indirectly to the energy consumption of a building have been demonstrated, through the means of several simulations using Revit, eQuest, Ecotect and Vasari simulation tools. This thesis also attempted to provide a clear understanding and overview of the plausibility of the suggested upgrades to be made, with regards to financial investment required for such upgrades, by using simple payback calculations to determine the length of time it would take for such upgrades to pay off.

Date of this Version



Computer Graphics Technology

Department Head

Marvin Sarapin

Month of Graduation



Master of Science

Head of Graduate Program

Craig Miller

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Patrick Connolly

Committee Member 1

Clark A. Cory

Committee Member 2

Hazar Dib

Committee Member 3

Mark E. Shaurette
