"An Analysis of Step, Jt, and Pdf Format Translation Between Constrain" by Dillon McKenzie-Veal


This research was conducted to provide greater depth into the ability of STEP AP 203 Edition 2, JT, and 3D PDF to translate and preserve information while using a benchmark model. The benchmark model was designed based on four industry models and created natively in the five industry leading 3D CAD programs. The native CAD program models were translated using STEP, JT, and 3D PDF. Several criteria were analyzed along the paths of translation from one disparate CAD program to another. Along with the analysis of the three interoperable file formats a survey was conducted to determine how well the benchmark model captures what is used in industry and whether a benchmark model could be used for an industry or company. Several industry experts participated in the survey to determine what important criteria does a potential benchmark model need to capture. The conclusions of the research show that neither interoperable file format out-performs the other for a majority of the analysis criteria. The survey suggests that a benchmark model could be used in an industry or company and the general structure of this benchmark.


PLM, CAD, JT, STEP, PDF, Interoperability

Date of this Version



Computer Graphics Technology

Department Head

Bedrich Benes


Master of Science

Head of Graduate Program

Bedrich benes

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Nathan Hartman

Committee Member 1

Nathan Hartman

Committee Member 2

John Springer

Committee Member 3

Craig Miller

Committee Member 4

Doug Cheney
