"X650F Power Enhancement" by Joseph Reed, Joe Lund et al.


This proposal seeks to define the purpose, goals, and scope of the X650F Power Enhancement project. Five members of Purdue’s Aeronautical Engineering Technology program are leading this project as part of their senior capstone research course. The purpose of said project is to look into the many possibilities of enhancing the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) power supply. This can open doors to several opportunities that can benefit both the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) program here at Purdue University, as well as the all of the students expected to go into the industry. The ideas looked into include, but are not limited to; expanding the current battery life by purchasing new batteries for students within the program, charging the battery while the drone is in flight, or bypassing the battery completely and having the UAV run on a ground power source. After a concept design decision matrix was completed by the team, it was realized that the best design to fit the requirements was bypassing the battery completely and having the UAV run on a ground power source. All solutions and concepts were focused around the voice of the customer, Dr. Kozak, where the project group could define customer needs, and what is in and out of the scope of the group’s project.


drone, UAS, UAV, FAA, unmanned aerial system, unmanned aerial vehicle, quadcopter

Date of this Version

