Aviation Technology Undergraduate Student Research | School of Aviation and Transportation Technology | Purdue University

The Department of Aviation Technology's educational mission focuses on the preparation of graduates for challenging and rewarding careers in the aviation industry. Purdue University offers a diverse, internationally recognized aviation education program at a world class teaching and research institution. The department serves approximately 610 students on the West Lafayette Campus and 95 students at the Indianapolis Statewide Technology location. The department has 33 full-time faculty and is an active participant in the graduate program of the College of Technology.

The Aviation Technology Undergraduate Series includes journal articles, conference papers, and reviewed abstracts of posters and presentations from undergraduates from the Aviation Technology program at Purdue University.

Any questions or concerns about this series should be directly to the Purdue e-Pubs administration (epubs@purdue.edu), or to the series administrator, Jennifer Kirschner (a3ir@purdue.edu).


Submissions from 2017


X650F Power Enhancement, Joseph Reed, Joe Lund, Donald Yu, Jessica Iglesias, and Daniel Ewell


X650F Power Solution, Joseph Reed, Joe Lund, Donald Yu, Jessica Iglesias, and Daniel Ewell

Submissions from 2012


Bio-Derived Synthetic Fuel Production – Tetra Ethyl Lead Elimination, Adam Landers, Melanie Thom, and Mark Thom


Development of a Model of Airline Consumer Satisfaction, Clay T. Wildt and Jennifer Kirschner