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Manuscripts from 2004
All Presentations from 6-25-04 Project Planning Meeting, ALS-NSCORT
ALS-NSCORT 2004 Summer Fellowship Participants, ALS-NSCORT
ALS-NSCORT 2004 Summer Fellowship Participants, ALS-NSCORT
ALS/NSCORT Project Plan Drafts Mar. 26, 2004, ALS-NSCORT
Answers for Examples, ALS-NSCORT
Answers for Examples, ALS-NSCORT
Assumptions, ALS-NSCORT
Biomass Production System for Education User's Manual, ALS-NSCORT
Bio-Regenerative Environmental Treatment for Health (BREATHe)I-air and water Project Plan, ALS-NSCORT
Bio-Regenerative Environmental Treatment for Health (BREATHe)II-air Project Plan, ALS-NSCORT
BREATHe I-air and water, BREATHe II-air, Liquid phase UV documentation, ALS-NSCORT
Comparison between BIOSIM and 0th order model, ALS-NSCORT
Curriculum Outline, ALS-NSCORT
Data Sheet, ALS-NSCORT
ESM Biomass Production System for Eductiaon: Guide for ESM. Project Lead the Way., ALS-NSCORT
Excel model, ALS-NSCORT
External Advisory Committee Meeting--2004, ALS-NSCORT
Fellowship Acceptance Letters: 2004, ALS-NSCORT
Food Systems Flowchart, ALS-NSCORT
GAMS Documentation: CPLEX 10, ALS-NSCORT
High Flux, Low Fouling Membrane Subsystems Report, ALS-NSCORT
How much stuff does it take to keep you alive?, ALS-NSCORT
Introduction: Mission to Mars, ALS-NSCORT
Liquid Freeze-Thaw Process Model, ALS-NSCORT
Membrane Process Model: Microfiltration and RO/NF Project Plans, ALS-NSCORT
MultiLogPRO Instruction Manual, ALS-NSCORT
MultiLogPRO Supplemental Instructions for Micromole Data Collection, ALS-NSCORT
Notes on Alan Drysdale's visit 8/4/2004, ALS-NSCORT
Operating Rules for NASA "Wastronaut" Volunteers: Toilet Donor Guidelines, ALS-NSCORT
Outreach Bubble Handout, ALS-NSCORT
Panel Summary--EAC 2004, ALS-NSCORT
Parameters, ALS-NSCORT
Process Map of Advanced Life Support System., ALS-NSCORT
Project Plan - Edible Fungi, ALS-NSCORT
Recycling in Space-TE, ALS-NSCORT
Role of Fish in ALS: NSCORT Kick off Meeting, 5-8-03, ALS-NSCORT
Second Annual EAC Review of the ALS-NSCORT-2004, ALS-NSCORT
Second Annual EAC Review of the ALS-NSCORT--2004, ALS-NSCORT
Second Annual EAC Review of the ALS-NSCORT--2004, ALS-NSCORT
Solid Thermophilic Aerobic Reactor (STAR) NSCORT Project Update, April 2004, ALS-NSCORT
Solid Thermophilic Aerobic Reactor (STAR) Process Map, ALS-NSCORT
Solid Waste Group Thoughts, 6-24-03, ALS-NSCORT
Summer Fellowship Plan Budget, ALS-NSCORT
Summer Fellowships: Housing, Stipend, Travel, and Symposium Info, ALS-NSCORT
Summer Symposium 2004: Certificate of Completion, ALS-NSCORT
SW Systems and ESM Thoughts 6-24-03, ALS-NSCORT
SW Systems and ESM Thoughts 6-24-03, ALS-NSCORT
Systems Group Project Plan, ALS-NSCORT
Table of Contents for EAC Presentations 2004, ALS-NSCORT
Three Panel Displays for Outreach, ALS-NSCORT
Three Panel Displays for Outreach, ALS-NSCORT
Three Panel Displays for Outreach, ALS-NSCORT
Three Panel Displays for Outreach, ALS-NSCORT
UV and Iodine Project Plans: Iodine Process Model, ALS-NSCORT
UV and Iodine Project Plans: UV Water Disinfection Project Plan, ALS-NSCORT
Visio file, ALS-NSCORT
Waste Stream Input Model, ALS-NSCORT
Waste Stream Input Model, ALS-NSCORT
Waste Stream Input Model, ALS-NSCORT
Word and Excel Solid Waste Processing Research Collection, ALS-NSCORT
Zeolite Project Plan, ALS-NSCORT
Chit Hui's Project Plan, Chit Hui Ang
Chit Hui's Project Plan, Chit Hui Ang
ALS NSCORT Process Model 2004--EAC Presentation 2004, Chit Hui Ang, Chiam Tze Chao, and Yeuhwern Yih
Development of ALS Control Strategies for Mars Mission--EAC Presentation 2004, Chit Hui Ang, Chiam Tze Chao, and Yeuhwern Yih
A Dynamic Human Model to Stimulate Crewmembers Behavior: Chit Hui Ang, Chit Hui Ang and Yuehwern Yih
Bioamplification using phage display for the multiplexed detection of pathogens in potable water and food, Bruce Applegate and Michael R. Ladisch
Model 1.0 Requirements, George E. Applequist
Report of Call - Habitation 04, George E. Applequist
Report of Call - Houston - January 2004, George E. Applequist
Systems Research for Advanced Life Support in Space: Poster for Energizing Enterprise, George E. Applequist, Joseph Pekny, Seza Orcun, Gary Blau, George Chui, Bin Yao, and Yeuhwern Yih
Artificial Closed Eco-Systems for Human Habitation of Space: Cary Mitchell Presentations 12.02 - 10.04, Ed Ashworth
Systems Group Project Planning Files, Selen Aydogan
ESM Calculations for Hydroponic Plant and Fungi Growth Chambers, Biosolids Dewatering Plant System, and Tilapia Growth System--EAC Presentation 2004, Selen Aydogan, Gary Blau, Joseph Pekny, and Gintaras Reklaitis
ESM Calculations for Hydroponic Plant and Fungi Growth Chambers, Biosolids Dewatering Plant System, and Tilapia Growth System--EAC Presentation 2004, Selen Aydogan, Gary Blau, Joseph Pekny, and Gintaras Reklaitis
A Simulation Based Optimization (SIMOPT) Approach to Model and Design an Advanced Life Support System--EAC Presentation 2004, Selen Aydogan, Seza Orcun, Gary Blau, Joseph Pekny, and Gintaras Reklaitis
Bio-Regenerative Environmental Treatment for Health (BREATHe)I-air and water: Progress to Date and Future Plan, M. Katherine Banks, Sybil Sharvelle, and Yong Sang Kim
Bio-Regenerative Environmental Treatment for Health (BREATHe)II-air:Treatment of Grey Water Using Gas Biofilters, M. Katherine Banks, Sybil Sharvelle, and Yong Sang Kim
BREATHe: Simultaneous Treatment of Graywater and Waste Gas Streams for Advanced Life Support--EAC Presentation 2004, M. Katherine Banks, Sybil Sharvelle, Yong Sang Kim, Eric McLamore, Stephen Clark, Katherine Graham, Rebecca Latayak, Erin Maloney, Albert J. Heber, Hong Huang, and Sang-hun Lee
BREATHe: Simultaneous Treatment of Graywater and Waste Gas Streams for Advanced Life Support--EAC Presentation 2004, M. Katherine Banks, Sybil Sharvelle, Kim Yong-Sang, Eric McLamore, Stephen Clark, Katherine Graham, Rebecca Latayak, and Erin Maloney
ALS NSCORT Project Plan Meeting - Alabama A and M University, Caula A. Beyl
UV Water Disinfection Project Plan, Ernest R. Blatchley III
Complementary Drinking Water Disinfection: Outline, Ernest R. Blatchley III, Zorana Naunovic, and Kelly Pennell
Potable Water Disinfection Subject to Extended Space Travel Constraints-- EAC Presentation 2004, Ernest R. Blatchley III, Zorana Naunovic, and Kelly G. Pennell
Water Disinfection: UV Irradiation--EAC Presentation 2004, Ernest R. Blatchley III, Zorana Naunovic, and Kelly G. Pennell
Network Model Building (Process Mapping), Gary Blau and Yuehwern Yih
Fish and Waste Management in an ALS System, Paul B. Brown and John Gonzales
Project Plan Waste Treatment Using Tilapia, Paul B. Brown and John Gonzales
Waste minimization and food production using fish, Paul B. Brown and John Gonzales
Evaluation of Tilapia in ALS--EAC Presentation 2004, Paul B. Brown and John Jr. Gonzales
Potential Contributions of Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus) on Nutrition in an Advanced Life Support (ALS) System--EAC Presentation 2004, Paul B. Brown and John Jr. Gonzales
Retention Capabilities of Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus) Fed Potential Advanced Life Support (ALS) Residues --EAC Presentation 2004, Paul B. Brown and John Jr. Gonzales
Effect of Nutrient and Water Stress on the Quantity and Composition of Root Exudates in Axenic Culture, Bruce Bugbee
Biofouling Potential of Membranes: Asha-Dee Celestine, Asha-Dee Celestine and Kimberly Jones
Minimizing Equivalent System Mass for Plant-Growth Lighting in an Advanced Life-Support System: Cary Mitchell Presentations 12.02 - 10.04, George Chui and Cary A. Mitchell
Activity 2.3 - Recycling in Space, Marybeth Edeen
Activity 2.3 - Recycling in Space, Marybeth Edeen and Julia Haines-Allen
ESM of ISS and ALS Technology, Mike Ewert