

Session Number


Session Title

Design and Maintenance Considerations for Buggies

Track Title

Local Agency

Event Description/Abstract

Based on experiences in Elkhart County, Indiana, this session will cover topics related to designing and maintaining roads in areas with large Amish populations and heavy horse and buggy usage. Some of the topics covered will include coordination with the Amish community; implementation of buggy plates and user fees for non-motorized vehicles; characteristic road distresses caused by horse usage and maintenance options to address these impacts; adaptation of intersection sight distance design parameters for horse-drawn vehicles; and the financial impact of these changes.


Mar 13th, 8:00 AM Mar 13th, 8:50 AM

Design and Maintenance Considerations for Buggies


Based on experiences in Elkhart County, Indiana, this session will cover topics related to designing and maintaining roads in areas with large Amish populations and heavy horse and buggy usage. Some of the topics covered will include coordination with the Amish community; implementation of buggy plates and user fees for non-motorized vehicles; characteristic road distresses caused by horse usage and maintenance options to address these impacts; adaptation of intersection sight distance design parameters for horse-drawn vehicles; and the financial impact of these changes.