Education & Culture, published by Purdue University Press, is the flagship journal of the John Dewey Society and draws its mission from furthering John Dewey’s work as a philosopher, psychologist, and educational theorist. This journal provides an academic forum for scholars, practitioners, researchers, and activist-scholars interested in expanding pragmatist philosophy and progressive educational thought. Submissions of Deweyan scholarship that take an integrated approach to the philosophical, historical, and sociological study of education are welcome. Content published prior to a three-year moving wall is available free of charge on this site. The three most recent years are accessible through Project MUSE. Additional information about the John Dewey Society can be found on their website.
Current Issue: Volume 39, Issue 2 (2023)
Editor's Note
Jessica Heybach
John Dewey on Art, Aesthetic Education, and the Democratic Community: The Lab School Works of 1896–1900
Leonard J. Waks
Analyzing Teacher-Student Relationships in the Works of John Dewey
Julia T. Novakowski
Tribute to Daniel Tanner (1926–2023)
Jessica Heybach