Recommended Citation
Paiz, Joshua and Gherwash, Ghada, "Online Writing Labs: Resources for Second Language Writers" (2014). Purdue Writing Lab/Purdue OWL Graduate Student Presentations. Paper 6.
Date of this Version
L2 writing, ESL, EFL, writing center, online writing lab
This presentation at the 2014 TESOL Developer's Showcase discusses best practices and special considerations for using Online Writing Labs as L2 writing support tools. This discussion is grounded both in recent OWL/Writing Center theory, as well as from the presenter's experiences working on a largescale OWL in a variety of capacities. To add to the discussion on special considerations when using OWLs, this presentation also provides a discussion of a recently completed research project involving the Purdue OWL and how it is used to support EFL writing. It will highlight how, even in resources labeled as "ESL," can be overly taxing linguistically for L2 writers. It concludes by highlighting current initiatives at the Purdue OWL to better reach out to L2 writers around the globe.
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