Recommended Citation
Dorn, Christopher, "Embodied Kairos in the Writing Gymnasium" (2013). Purdue Writing Lab/Purdue OWL Graduate Student Presentations. Paper 13.
Date of this Version
writing center, kairos, time, space, classical rhetoric
This 2013 East Central Writing Centers Association (ECWCA) Conference presentation draws a comparison between the notions of fungible and epochal time (cf. Geller, “Tick-Tock, Next”) and the classical rhetorical terms, chronos and kairos. While kairos is typically considered in terms of time, its roots suggest a fundamental physical sense, making it a rich concept for imagining both the temporality and the materiality of writing centers. In addition to tracing the meaning of the Greek word and considering some of the kairotic aspects of writing center work, this presentation advocates adopting a kairotic attitude among writing center practitioners, one that takes into account the most immediate of writing center constraints.