"A Novel Approach for Design of Acoustical Enclosure of Projectors" by Sara Panahkhahi


To create a quiet environment inside buildings, it is necessary to decrease the noise level, which partly originates from electromechanical devices. This study explored a method for designing an acoustic enclosure for projectors that generate noises in a wide band frequency range. The source of noise in projectors is their fans, which cause the structure borne and airborne noise. Fans are required in projectors that use lamps as an illumination source to dissipate the heat emitted from their lamps. Sound measurements were performed to determine the frequency range that is generated by the projector. Based on the data obtained from the measurements, the sound level of the projector and the design of the enclosure were studied. Another aspect of this project was to find a way to cool down the projector while it was operating in a completely sealed enclosure. Based on the information about the power consumption of the projector and the temperature range that the projector can safely operates under, the cooling system was proposed. Finally the sound and temperature measurements were performed on the fabricated prototype of the enclosure to evaluate its functionality.


Acoustical Enclosure, Projector, Sound Attenuation, Passive Noise Cancellation

Date of this Version



Mechanical Engineering Technology

Department Head

Kenneth A. Burbank

Month of Graduation



Master of Science

Head of Graduate Program

James L. Mohler

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Richard M. French

Committee Member 1

Nancy L. Denton

Committee Member 2

Vahid Motevalli
