Using a causal comparative analysis approach, this study examines the use of a specifically designed peer evaluation Rich Internet Application (RIA) – The “Evaluation App” -- versus its Web application counterparts. Traditional peer evaluation Web applications are often overloaded with redundant and unnecessary features for reviewing and critiquing projects related to interactive media and applied computer graphics. With a decrease in interactivity, feature overload, and less targeted functionality, these kinds of Web applications tend to be less engaging for peer evaluation operations. This study attempts to examine the efficiency and practicality of RIAs used for the purpose of digital media critiques and evaluation.
Building on previous research in the areas of educational and interactive media, this thesis details an experimental study that compares a RIA specifically designed for use in educational peer evaluation with current digital technologies traditionally used to support the critiquing process.
peer evaluation, AIR, Adobe, RIA, rich internet applications, desktop application, HCI, human factors, usability, interface, cognitive load
Date of this Version
Computer Graphics Technology
Department Head
Dr. Marvin Sarapin
Month of Graduation
Year of Graduation
Master of Science
Head of Graduate Program
Dr. Gary R. Bertoline
Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee
Dr. La Verne Abe Harris
Committee Member 1
Dr. James L. Mohler
Committee Member 2
Prof. Ronald J. Glotzbach
Committee Member 3
Dr. William R. Watson