
Throughout studying the impacts of investments on facilities and its potential impacts on Men’s Basketball overall success within the conferences we were able to find some indicators that would suggest the financial investments do have an impact but we would need to study more teams to see a possible statistical significance. Although statistical significance was not found within the current study (.13 was found with an alpha set at .10) my suggestion and observations throughout this study show that facilities play a major role in the overall success of a program and spending will continue to take place as the “arms race” continues to take place.


College Basketball, Facilities, Sports Performance, Arms Race

Date of this Version



Purdue Polytechnic

Department Head

Gary Bertoline

Month of Graduation



Master of Science, Technology, Leadership and Innovation- Organizational Leadership

Degree Type

Directed Project

Head of Graduate Program

Debbie Hulsey

Advisor 1 or Chair of Committee

Daniel Lybrook

Committee Member 1

Jamie Mohler

Committee Member 2

Andrew Hurt
