Readout chips, heaters, cooling system, CMS, Pixel Tracker.
Presentation Type
Research Abstract
The main objectives of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider are precision studies of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and the discovery of physics beyond it. To meet that, it is essential for the CMS detector to function at the highest efficiency for detecting subatomic particles within various technical constraints. In particular, the readout chips of the Pixel Tracker sub-detector produce significant heat and must be kept at -10 °C to ensure optimal performance and reduce cumulative damage in the high radiation environment. Thus, it is necessary to design a cooling system to extract heat from this sub-detector. To study the performance of the cooling system, we propose a flexible design of aluminum traces on glass sheets of the size of the readout chips to simulate heat generated by these chips. The design can be re-configured by internally wire-bonding for various heat outputs. We study the thermal and mechanical properties of these aluminum heaters, connected in multiple configurations, by applying a voltage to them and calculating their resistance and dissipated power. We find that different heater configurations can dissipate a minimum power of about 6 Watts, which is similar to the power dissipated by the current readout chips. We conclude that the final heater configuration to be used can produce the amount of heat needed to validate designs for the CMS Phase Two Pixel Detector upgrade.
Session Track
Sensing and Measurement
Recommended Citation
Sandra Jimena González and Timothy Matthew Jones,
"Thermomechanical Properties of Aluminium Heaters to Test the Compact Muon Solenoid Cooling System for Phase Two Upgrade"
(August 3, 2017).
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium.
Paper 77.
Thermomechanical Properties of Aluminium Heaters to Test the Compact Muon Solenoid Cooling System for Phase Two Upgrade
The main objectives of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider are precision studies of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and the discovery of physics beyond it. To meet that, it is essential for the CMS detector to function at the highest efficiency for detecting subatomic particles within various technical constraints. In particular, the readout chips of the Pixel Tracker sub-detector produce significant heat and must be kept at -10 °C to ensure optimal performance and reduce cumulative damage in the high radiation environment. Thus, it is necessary to design a cooling system to extract heat from this sub-detector. To study the performance of the cooling system, we propose a flexible design of aluminum traces on glass sheets of the size of the readout chips to simulate heat generated by these chips. The design can be re-configured by internally wire-bonding for various heat outputs. We study the thermal and mechanical properties of these aluminum heaters, connected in multiple configurations, by applying a voltage to them and calculating their resistance and dissipated power. We find that different heater configurations can dissipate a minimum power of about 6 Watts, which is similar to the power dissipated by the current readout chips. We conclude that the final heater configuration to be used can produce the amount of heat needed to validate designs for the CMS Phase Two Pixel Detector upgrade.