To successfully maintain the existing bridge inventory, expertise is needed in the areas of deterioration, fatigue, fracture, corrosion, repair/retrofit, coatings, materials, non-destructive evaluation, riveting, welding, and fabrication. Using Purdue's existing strengths in education and research, the S-BRITE Center engages faculty within and beyond the College of Engineering to explore partnership opportunities in training and research and fills a growing need in the transportation industry. Additional information about the S-BRITE Center is available at
The S-BRITE Center Reports series contains reports written by researchers from the S-BRITE Center.
Submissions from 2020
Fatigue Categorization of Obliquely Oriented Welded Attachments, Robert J. Connor and Cem Korkmaz
A Simplified Approach for Designing SRMs in Composite Continuous Twin-Tub Girder Bridges, Robert J. Connor, Cem Korkmaz, Leslie E. Campbell, Francisco J. Bonachera Martín, and Jason B. Lloyd
Submissions from 2019
Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of the Strength of Selected Truss Members from the Approach Spans of the Winona Bridge, Jason B. Lloyd, Leslie E. Campbell, Francisco J. Bonachera Martín, and Robert J. Connor
Submissions from 2018
Fatigue Life Improvement of Welded Girders with Ultrasonic Impact Treatment, Jonathan F. Hui, Jason B. Lloyd, and Robert J. Connor
Member-Level Redundancy of Built-Up Steel Axially Loaded Members, Jason B. Lloyd, Francisco J. Bonachera Martín, Cem Korkmaz, and Robert J. Connor
Submissions from 2017
Load-Induced Fatigue Category of Hand Holes and Manholes, Francisco J. Bonachera Martín and Robert J. Connor
Maintenance Actions to Address Fatigue Cracking in Steel Bridge Structures: Proposed Guidelines and Commentary, Robert J. Connor and Jason B. Lloyd
Submissions from 2015
Fatigue and Fracture Library for the Inspection, Evaluation, and Repair of Vehicular Steel Bridges, Phil Fish, Curtis Schroeder, Robert J. Connor, and Phil Sauser
Member-Level Redundancy of Built-Up Steel Girders Subjected to Flexure, Matthew H. Hebdon, Cem Korkmaz, Francisco J. Bonachera Martín, and Robert J. Connor